Lucky Pickens Bantam Cochins

So very excited to find this thread. My Lucky Pickens eggs arrived to my office this morning. Beautifully packed. Can't wait to get them home and check aircells before setting them. Wish me luck on my Mille Fleur (Smooth and Frizzled) and Mottled babies in the making. :) Yay!!! So much fun.
Mine are just over a month old.
I too got milles smooth and frzz also. None are frizz and lots of boys so far... but im very happy with them so far. Now to watch them mature and see how them boys turn out. Girls stay and boys will be picked by quality. :)
I got 25 eggs in hopes for at least 5 pullets to keep and a few nice chicks to share. I have a beautiful MF Frizzled Cockerel from Wingshadows that needs some smooth girls. I only have 1 mottled smooth pullet so hoping for some smooth pullets. My MF Smooth Cockerel is very pretty too. I would like to see less white on him but that is already changing. I have 3 Frizzled pullets (White, Birchen, and Mille Fleur) So a Frizzled MF pullet or two would be awesome. :)
Update Day 7 - out of the 25 Lucky Pickens eggs set, 18 eggs show possitive development. 4 were clear and 3 were early deaths. Doing good so far. :) Hoping now we made it through the first week, these little ones keep on growing, and hatch out well. I am really looking forward to see these chicks.
From Roslyn Pickens, Lucky Pickens Farms. This is a thread for her Cochins. She sells fertile eggs and does a beautiful job packing them. I found her add on Ebay and purchased my eggs through there. She also has a Facebook Page Lucky Pickens Farms.

As of this morning I have 2 eggs pipped. I didn't want to go to work. Hopefully I'll come home to a few babies that have made there way into the world.
I love love love my Picken girls!
I have mostly calicos/Millie's with a few mottleds. I just purchased show quality eggs from another breeder which I hatched out to cross onto my Picken gals. I even bought more Picken eggs and hatched them out 2 months ago. So now I have LOTS of picken girls!
I also just put in for Morse show quality eggs from yet another breeder so I have more out crosses to better my flock!

I too am a Cochin fan and have 6 diff breeders bloodlines in my coop with Pickens numbers at about 30ish.
Update from Home. Lucky Hubby has the day off. 1st chick has hatched at least 3 more pipped. Yay for Bantam Cochin babies.

Mindylee I am getting a dozen of Amy's Blue Mottled eggs that should be on their way sometime today. Can't wait for all these babies. There will be some hard choices on who gets to stay.

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