Made a Tractor Supply Run


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 19, 2009
Culloden, GA
We went to TSC today and got a few bantams. I'm pretty sure we got a couple of buff silkies and maybe a salmon faverolle. Tell me what you think. There is grey/lavender chick that we aren't sure about. Thanks



I fell victim today too! I know for sure I got one white silkie... which is what made me fall in the first place... I saw it and said, "Silkie! We are getting some!" I got that one and (get this) 19 others!!! I couldn't stop!! A few I got were looking "bad" so I got them just to take them home and try to treat them. The guy there was told by another customer that they had dead chicks being eatten by the living and his reply (and I quote), "Yeah, I know. They die every hour." AND THEN SHRUGGED!!! Never looked up, never even started to come get the dead ones out. So against everything that animal rights people say to do... I bought up three of the "on their way out" ones and so far two perked up and one died.

Sorry to hi-jack your thread. I got started on a rant.

You definately have a silkie in that one pic.... I think I may have some buff silkies too. The fun is in not knowing and trying to figure it out!

Good luck! Hope you get some good breeds out of it!
There was one silkie that had a broken leg. One of the ladies that worked there took it home. The other day there was one that hopped around on one leg. He seemed to be paralyzed in one leg. The manager also took that one home. I was so happy that I didn't have to be the one to "save" it. My kids and I work with a canine rescue and we are forever having to "save" something. Not today, someone else did it. Woo Hoo!!!!
There was one silkie that had a broken leg. One of the ladies that worked there took it home. The other day there was one that hopped around on one leg. He seemed to be paralyzed in one leg. The manager also took that one home. I was so happy that I didn't have to be the one to "save" it. My kids and I work with a canine rescue and we are forever having to "save" something. Not today, someone else did it. Woo Hoo!!!!

lol. I know exactly what you mean... I live in a... (how to say this...) area where morals are lower than most places and the word "humane" is not in most's vocabulary. That employee that I mentioned is typical for this area. Needless to say, I was brought up elsewhere.
Wow, what a cute silkie! Congrats on your chicks!

I went to TSC today and asked what kind of pullets they had. The answer I got was "All hens lay eggs". Huh?

Anyway, I didn't buy any, but did manage to hand out a BYC business card!
Seems like you have another star employee of the month at your store too! lol

I have a question: Did they pick up the chicks for you or did they tell you "just get them out and put them in that box?"

Because if I was less honest I could have got my 20 chicks for the price of 6.

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