Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

I got my cute little crochet chicken from Notinoz, as well. I pinned it to my bullitin board at work with two yellow push pins at the bottom. They look like legs sticking straight out and it is adorable. It makes me smile when I look at it (and not think about my terrible hatch!) I really appreciate it, Thank you!

It must be very cute with the "legs"!!

Oh dear! When I watched a home improvement show, where they talked about these styrofoam forms for pouring foundations (many, many moons ago), I never once thought about the chickens eating it! I'll bet the engineers who came up with it never thought about it either.

I think someone needs to post a pic of this thoughtful gift!!

I keep meaning to do that. Now I want to see the yellow "footed" one though.
That was exactly what I thought you meant.

How's the sandbox working out for you?
The sandbox is still lying on the lawn, but I hope to get to it this weekend. Got a big box of DE, and will add ash and sand. I probably wouldn't have used it in this rain, even with the covered run, as it blows in the sides too much. It will be great when the ground is damp (today would've been good if I were more organized), and especially in the winter! Chestnut ridge, do you think the photo of the Basque you posted is a roo or a hen? Four of mine have that coloring, but with big legs, and those little combs sprouting out are making me nervous. Only one of mine has no comb. (Oh well, more dinner for SCG ;) ). Did gryeyes have the last day of work yet??
Oh...those "white" ones look pretty!!!! will they grow up to have color on their shoulders and back? That would be FUN!
Did gryeyes have the last day of work yet??

Monday, April 30th is my last day of work. It will be a short day, too, as I have a couple of phantom hours the department/state won't cash out, so I'll be "burning" them that afternoon. I'll be headed home at 1530 hours.

Yesterday evening, when I got home at 1920 hours, the "starving" chickens rushed me as I added feed to all the feeders. One of the WCB Polish (currently all four are referred to as "The Dillers" in homage to Phyllis) jumped to my hip and clawed her way to my shoulder to ride around.

Polish on my shoulder. Backyard version of a pirate's parrot. "Arrrrr!"
Monday, April 30th is my last day of work. It will be a short day, too, as I have a couple of phantom hours the department/state won't cash out, so I'll be "burning" them that afternoon. I'll be headed home at 1530 hours.
Yesterday evening, when I got home at 1920 hours, the "starving" chickens rushed me as I added feed to all the feeders. One of the WCB Polish (currently all four are referred to as "The Dillers" in homage to Phyllis) jumped to my hip and clawed her way to my shoulder to ride around.
Polish on my shoulder. Backyard version of a pirate's parrot. "Arrrrr!"

5 Days! I bet you are so excited. Your place is looking so great, I'd be in heaven with the space and to just hang out. With kids around, hanging out doesn't have the same definition.

And...after my roo died, Butters my hen called and called for him and seemed pretty upset. Then suddenly, she's obsessed with my husband. Follows him, coos at him...WATCHED HIM FROM THE WINDOW! What the heck? I didn't know chickens did this. And he claims he hates them...well you better believe that butters gets more scraps then my dog, and suddenly my chicken scratch is disappearing at an alarming rate. I see him outside smoking and talking to the chickens. I have infected my husband with chicken love.

Aw, poor Butters. When I moved a rooster that had been with the hens all winter to another coop and substituted a new summer rooster in their group to hang out with them because he would protect them better free ranging, a number of them all went and slept outside their winter rooster's coop at night. It took them about 10 days or so to get over their winter rooster.

I got my Brinsea mini advance I won yesterday!!! woohoo, can't wait to fire that baby up and try her out!!!

Yay, you! Congrats on your most excellent guess.

Oh, dear. I guess it's standard building practice to insulate the foundation with XPS (extruded polystyrene), but it does look just like cement/concrete when painted. Well, until pecked to pieces by chickens! It's toxic to birds that eat enough of it, right? Someone in another thread mentioned that she lost at least 1 (but I think it was two) chickens to the ingestion of a bunch of styrofoam (which, I think is also polystyrene). Dunno. I wonder if slapping some fine/smoothed stucco or drive-it (sp?)over the top of it would help at all. Again, dunno. Once chickens start doing something, they don't like to stop, so they might just keep pecking at the stucco and peck through a thin layer of it to get to the insulation.

I am enjoying the photos of the Hatch-a-Long chicks. Mine seem to be doing well. They are in the big brooder now, with a hover over them, running around and flapping like crazy. They've graduated to the big feeders and waterer. I gave about half of them away to friends. Even some of the straight run chickens at the farm store are going for $4 (3.99) a pop! Yes, black sex-links (straight run) for $4 a piece.

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