Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

It must be the noon rush hour. I thought there was peeping but kept telling myself it was coming from outside. After the third time I got up and looked to find 2 pips and the best news is they are from the shipped Blue Plymouth Rocks
no pips here either I feel left out

Hehe, last labor was pretty fast :) There was no mistaking those suckers for braxton hicks. They MEANT BUSINESS from the very first one. Didn't even attempt to go to the hospital though. Everyone came to me and baby was born in my bed. All 11lbs of him. (This was on purpose!)
11 pounds!!!
That screams home birth midwife!! Good job! My last one had a couple mild contactions, then, with the thought of, I'm 11 days late, regular timing, what else could they be? Called the midwife. She made it, but busted a few traffic laws doing so.

Yea my last was just under an hour. I was trained as a midwife but moved shortly before having the last one and could find no home birthing community in time (was illegal in CA and I'm pretty sure it still is so we were not easy to find). My Braxton Hicks contractions were always so strong that it was hard to tell the difference at first. Plus I have a crazy high tolerance for pain. The last half hour there was no mistaking them though! They got real strong before they got my shoes on and that was an uphill battle from there on out. Unfortunately the hospital was 20 mins away! Don't know why they think this is a good time to make a woman move around, much less get in a car for a race to an uncomfortable hospital!

Kudos to you for skipping that particular nightmare!

Anyway the nurse asked me to sit down and answer questions even though I said I was preregistered and as soon as I sat down the next one hit. I grabbed her monitor that was bolted down and ripped it part way out of it's mountings (not on purpose but you've been there, you know)! She decided to skip the questions and screamed for an orderly to get me upstairs FAST! Barely got me up there and he was born. I may have been calm about it but jeez, labor is labor!

My Dad loves to tell the story of the look on that nurse's face when I grabbed her monitor. lol He turned to her and said "See I told you she was about to have this baby! But you wouldn't listen to me! Nooooo, I only have four children and a few grandchildren of my own, but I don't know what I'm talking about." as he walked away shaking his head and waving dismissively.

lol, those poor nurses... snicker
and just an fyi, home birthing is NOT illegal in California. I had one in 2001 and a friend had one last year. Finding a midwife is the toughest part.

AAUUUGGGHHHH!!!! I need to clean the brooder!!! And move the 2 Valentine's Day hatch chicks out! They have been sleeping in there.
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