Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

This was my first that hatched yesterday.
Woke up to this many out

I had to pull them out of the Brinsea, there just wasn't any more room and more eggs to hatch.

This little lav baby just looks so comfy even with his leg splints. He was getting a little splay legged so I fixed him up with his bandaid. I think he is happy

I have two more in the styrobator but there is plenty of room for them in there so they are staying. That one takes so much longer to recover after opening and I have a bunch of pips in there now. So far this hatch is going really well. I am pretty sure that a couple of Renees eggs have hatched ( I have to check the cracked shells) but I have no idea which ones they are. I couldn't stay up any longer last night and I only had three out then.
Oh, and SCG, when you wake up, three little gomez chicks so far. :) I'd have to check eggs to be sure, but most if not all the chicks that have hatched were from you. All are black (ish) so far.

Daddy's an all black EE so that makes sense. The genes are strong with that one.

Still, I now have 16 chicks out, including SIX NN from SCG. =)

WAHOO! (and whew!)

I've got 15 out and in my brooder, and looks like another 3 out in the Brinsea. 4 NN so far here.

I'm off to a chicken swap from 8-2, trying to get rid of the pullets from Valentines Day.
Went to bed with 6 pips - woke up at 4:00 and checked. One was zipping and died - my first BCM from my flock. The other pips have done nothing! I laid the eggs down at lockdown instead of putting in cartons like a usually do because people were saying that they get better hatches that way. I'm not sure its working for me.
The incubator seems really quiet
This chick has rolled every single egg in the bator. It's all over the place. I see two silkies pipped but then I dont know if they pipped or cracked. I woke up because I thought I heard two chicks.I just see a mess in there from the little one hatched. So Should I just pull him out now? I'm worried about all this movement of my other eggs.
Just took a closer look at the chicks in the brooder. Two of them have feathered shanks and they are chipmunk striped. I think I have two EE babies out of my dark Brahma girls.

Coldupnorth, have some coffee (or tea) and relax a little. Today is actual hatch day. I had one I was worried about last night, it had started to zip and stopped. I was tempted to do something but left it alone. It is a little fuzzy butt this morning. Just give them time.
This chick has rolled every single egg in the bator. It's all over the place. I see two silkies pipped but then I dont know if they pipped or cracked. I woke up because I thought I heard two chicks.I just see a mess in there from the little one hatched. So Should I just pull him out now? I'm worried about all this movement of my other eggs.

I don't really see a difference between hatching in cartons or other ways to keep the eggs "still" and hatching en masse. Either way the hatched chicks step on, lay on, poop on, peck on, etc the eggs. I think it encourages the chicks to hatch.
I've got my third pip - 2 Blue Birchen Marans and 1 Brown Leghorn - but nobody is zipping yet.

Seriously, where is that coffee?
I may have to risk waking my beloved with the roar of the coffee grinder.

I'm worried about my little chick-in-a-cup. He is not able to stand today, and one of his wings is droopy. I wish I knew exactly what was wrong with his legs, but I've never had chicks with any problems before. Oh, well, first time for everything.
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I wait until they are nice and dry. Then, I use a flashlight to look at all of the other eggs. If I don't see any pips or zips, I push back the lid and try to keep as much heat in as possible, slip my hand in, and grab the chick or chicks. I sometimes drop a hot, wet paper towel into the incubator at the same time to help the humidity come back up more quickly. If an egg is already pipped or zipped when you open the incubator, they sometimes get stuck in the egg because the part around the hole will dry up and stick to their skin and feathers.

Congratulations on your soon-to-be chick!
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Renee I think I just got a blue or black chick from one of the SA eggs.
Just had a really big chick hatch from one of my Brahma eggs. It is all black. I wonder who the daddy is
I hope it has feathered shanks
ChestnutRidge, can you get some of that baby parrot food that Renee suggests for your little chick? I am wondering if that would help perk it up some?

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