Making a chick pen with pallets?


May 14, 2015
Felton DE
Ok so my 5 week old chicks are outside in the big coop but inside a dog pen. Today it is going to be 90 degrees and id like them to be in the bigger coop today but my older girls arent having it. I plan to take come pallets in the corner and make a v that i can push up against the wall to keep them in. Im going to staple some mesh over it so they cant squeeze through but how can i keep the two pallets together so they dont fall? Im not super handy my husband usually builds things for me but he is at aork all day lol.
Thats exactly what i was going to do until i found some garden mesh in the shed and just stapled some under the nesting boxes to seperate them. My husband wont be to happy that i stapled a few staples into the linoleum floor tho :/

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