making cloth reusable menstrual pads

OMG, why has this never occured to me?! I cloth diaper... duh!

I'm sure it's been questioned, but said baby is demanding to bang on the keyboard...

mine goes from crazy heavy (think post partum- no joke) to very light... are there different sizes, or just change more often?

I don't know what goldenluver makes exactly in terms of sizes. But I have bought all sizes from postpartum to panty liners. If you are wearing the correct absorbancy you shouldn't have to change more often than you would a disposable pad.
I use "Instead", which I buy at the local Walgreens, and Dillons also carries them. I first saw them about 10 years ago, before I had heard there were any other brands. It was a totally new concept for me and I had to try them. They come in a box of about a dozen for $6-7. The recommendation on these is to use them for 12 hours and dispose of them, much like a tampon. However over the years I discovered that I could reuse them over and over again, just like the more expensive brands. I started by using one for the whole period and then disposing of it, so a box would last me about a year. Then DH suggested "why not just reuse it the next month?" so I did. It has been several years since I last bought a box, as now I reuse one cup for several months.

As for spillage...I just remove and empty over the toilet bowl, so any spillage goes where I want it to. Then I rinse it out and reinsert. Before I discovered cloth pads, I used a disposable pantiliner just in case. Once I switched to cloth, I continued to use the pantiliner, (or pad for heavy nights) so for me the cloth pad is more of a back up for when the cup gets full.

Hmmm. I will have to scope them out the next time I am at the store. They sound like they would work great for swimming and such. Thank You!
Hmm, I too am quite interested in this. I despise pads as they bunch and are just disgusting! I have a Divacup but have not yet used it. That sucker was expensive, like $40 but supposedly it lasts many many years.
So with these cloth ones, they don't move around?
So this is my first cycle using my cloth pads and I love them!!! They are so comfortable and I haven't gotten any type of rash like I always get with the disposables. They don't move, bunch, or stick! I am so glad I gave them a try!! Thank You so much Goldenluver!!
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Never had any issues with the cloth pads and I love them! I would not go back on the commercial kind, they chaffed and rubbed in the wrong places like between the folds in inner thighs. some would actually cut!
And it smelled so quickly. The cloth pads are much more breatheable, they don't bunch up or ride up and down. One tip as the others say, get undies that are SNUG, not tight or too loose to wear them.

One time, I forgot to rewash my pads on my first few days, one pad would suffice half a day. Talk about "thirsty" pads LOL!

And easy to wash. My eight year old daughter had to ask what those things are and I told her my "hot pot pads"!

Yeah I get alot of "flak" from my female relatives and friends about how "unsanitary" those cloth pads are. Well they are not as bad as cloth diapers on babies! I save a bunch of money on disposables and only use them in reenactments during the day or something like a special trip that I dont want to carry it around with me.

I have eight maxi, eight medium, and three lights and three panty liners. Enough for the entire cycle!

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