Making soap?

Oh, and vinegar is great to have on hand, but I rarely need it. Just if you feel it start burning. My hands are still usually a little tingly after making soap!
I like having the vinegar on hand just in case. It is such a simple precaution it makes good sense. Glad to see you come into the discussion. :D Soapmaking is such a useful skill I hate to see anyone spooked off it. I havent made soap nearly as long as you have and I certainly dont know it all.
I like having the vinegar on hand just in case. It is such a simple precaution it makes good sense. Glad to see you come into the discussion. :D Soap making is such a useful skill I hate to see anyone spooked off it. I haven't made soap nearly as long as you have and I certainly don't know it all.

Oh, yes! I always have it out - just rarely need it!

I think it would be impossible to know it all! There are so many types of soap and different recipes out there. I like just making basic soap with some oils or herbs in it. That's all we use in my family and it's wonderful on our skin. I swear that's what kept my skin clear in adolescence and helped my sister's eczema!
I believe it is great for skin. I like to play with oils a bit and have found some that are just wonderful for my extremely dry skin. Right now I have a simple bar that I use to simply clean then one to sooth the extremely dry areas. What I really like is neither leave any kind of residue like commercial soaps do.
You ladies are awesome.

I'm working on a second batch right now. I have a feeling I'm going to be doing this a lot until I feel "confident", same as I did with cheese. =) It's olive oil, coconut oil and castor oil for "superfat". I used the Nesco straight out the gate and so far it's going fabulously. The other batch is setting up in the mold and seems to be doing well considering the snafoo earlier.

This batch is getting some cocoa, vanilla beans and cinnamon (with luck).

My oldest is quite careful. She's good about keeping her distance when I say "stay back" and following precautions as outlined. Now my 8 year old...oy vey. I wouldn't let her come out here without a hazmat suit. She exists in her own little world!
I always liked cocoa soap! That is one that the scent, light but there, survives the gelling.
So you make cheese? I want to make some cheese curds. I love them but cant really afford them. Do I buy the cheddar cheese starter? Or whatever thats called! lol After it makes the curds I just dont put in a press? Any hints? :D
I always liked cocoa soap! That is one that the scent, light but there, survives the gelling.
So you make cheese? I want to make some cheese curds. I love them but cant really afford them. Do I buy the cheddar cheese starter? Or whatever thats called! lol After it makes the curds I just dont put in a press? Any hints? :D
Pretty much. There are good recipes on cheesemaking dot com. You still need a press for cheddared curds, but it can be anything. Mine was a strainer lined with cloth, apply cheese, top with a plate and topped with a gallon of milk. Then you just break up the big block, toss in salt and enjoy the curds.

Edited to add: you need mesophilic culture for cheddar. There are ways to make it at home with buttermilk, but I haven't had a lot of success with it. Last time I tried, I left the buttermilk out for a little too long and ended up making rancid cheese.
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Now it's curing time. I don't have a lot of space to store the pans (out of the way). Would a defunkt dehydrator, lined with napkins, work?
ty for the cheese information!
Curing the soap is easy. Anywhere porous that you can turn over every day or so works. This is what I put them in the last few times. The weird blue soap was messed up but it is just wonderful soap even if it is strange. The tan is a really nice cleaner, still gentle. Anyway the fish works just fine and I really dont have to move them around much but they were nice and solid before I put them in.

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I know this is weird, but has anyone ever leached their own lye to make soap? I have made the kind with packaged sodium hydroxide, and I know that home leached lye makes a softer soap more like potassium hydroxide. I'd love to hear how it's done.

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