Making soap?

I dont have white clothes!!! I would spill something on it the first time worn!!! lol The white socks are gone as mentioned before . . black or preferably grey socks for the whole family. Makes matching easier, too.

Long ago white fibers didnt exist until white cotton became favored as a crop and the white wool was favored in the sheep-- mostly because both could be dyed . I have wondered how many people favored white clothing in the years before washing machines.
I tend to spill anything red..catsup , tomatoes, chili, etc..and you cannot get those out.
I dont have white clothes!!! I would spill something on it the first time worn!!! lol The white socks are gone as mentioned before . . black or preferably grey socks for the whole family. Makes matching easier, too.

Long ago white fibers didnt exist until white cotton became favored as a crop and the white wool was favored in the sheep-- mostly because both could be dyed . I have wondered how many people favored white clothing in the years before washing machines.
I know what you mean. I seem to have this habit of wearing white on days I bake. Nothing comes out of them.....especially chocolate stains....ugh
Quote: I clean out tomato IMMEDIATELy . . . soap and warm water asap. Usually works. Dawn has been helpful in this respect. I havent tried homemade .

Quote: ROFL I sure need an apron in the kitchen . . maybe one for each day of the week!!! Our grandmothers knew what they were doing when they wore aprons. Ya, chocolate is a bugger. GIven the oil/fat component of chocolate, perhaps a direct application of soap and scrub it a bit and rinse with warm water.
I clean out tomato IMMEDIATELy . . . soap and warm water asap. Usually works. Dawn has been helpful in this respect. I havent tried homemade .

ROFL I sure need an apron in the kitchen . . maybe one for each day of the week!!! Our grandmothers knew what they were doing when they wore aprons. Ya, chocolate is a bugger. GIven the oil/fat component of chocolate, perhaps a direct application of soap and scrub it a bit and rinse with warm water.
Haha, it was a couple months ago, it's far too late for the shirt now. Now I try to wear black on baking days. Maybe I should get an apron like you said!
I too have many shirts ruined by tomato . . . took a while to figure out yank the shirt off immediately and wash by hand the spot immediately. THe result was worth the frantic scene. lol.

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