Making the most of it.

After talking to tippylou and understanding the different home loans and requirements... I went online to further the research. She told me about a usda house loan that is available to move people out in the country.. The credit scores requirements aren't horrible.. Though that is something we still have to work on.. Anyway, if I can find a spot for about a year and do the little steps she told me to do we would qualify. Now I just have to get everyone else on board.
Debating what to do with the tortoises. They live in a mansion right now. The size of a six foot table. I have an extra 30 gallon bowed front aquarium sitting here. Wonder how they will do if they are down sized. Too many decisions to make!!! Lol!!!!

The turtles :oops: will survive in a smaller habitat.

After talking to tippylou and understanding the different home loans and requirements... I went online to further the research. She told me about a usda house loan that is available to move people out in the country.. The credit scores requirements aren't horrible.. Though that is something we still have to work on.. Anyway, if I can find a spot for about a year and do the little steps she told me to do we would qualify. Now I just have to get everyone else on board.
Just get the husband on board. The kids will be kids and they rebound way easier than adults do.
Spent a bit looking at rentals.... I'm starting to worry we can't keep our chickens... 13 days left.... Is that enough time? I don't know... Brother says he has chicken friends and can find a home for them...
Spent a bit looking at rentals.... I'm starting to worry we can't keep our chickens... 13 days left.... Is that enough time? I don't know... Brother says he has chicken friends and can find a home for them...
If you have to place them with a sitter I'm sure offering to continue to care for them and pay for it all would go a long way. H3ll if you were around here I'd let you keep them on the property.......wonder how much it would cost to mail them :D Although you would have to come visit :p
If you have to place them with a sitter I'm sure offering to continue to care for them and pay for it all would go a long way. H3ll if you were around here I'd let you keep them on the property.......wonder how much it would cost to mail them :D Although you would have to come visit :p

So far the rent is really stretching the budget... On all the rentals available... Don't think it's plausible to pay for them right now.
Just got to remind myself that this is just for a time... I don't mind getting rid of possessions.... My animals are different... I can do this
The problem is I like my critters more than I like most people.......and I understand they are critters destined for my dinner table......except the dog.

So far the rent is really stretching the budget... On all the rentals available... Don't think it's plausible to pay for them right now.
Well if you do have to give them up be sure to stick around here cause you know we love you and would miss you terribly. When you do finally get settled where God wants you I'll help you get stocked back up with chickens.......or ducks or whatever kind of fowl you want :hugs

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