Making the most of it.

Yes, that is what I do. I know I am being unreasonable in my fear because I watch DH mow the exact same areas and can see that the mower remains stable, etc -- but when I am actually *on* the mower logic goes out the window and it feels way steeper than I know in my head that it is.

My wife is the same way. She's also lighter than I am so she has a little bit of a good point.
Had one of those, "wait, WHEN is it?" moments last night -- DS is getting ready for bed and casually says, "Don't forget, the banquet is tomorrow." ......
?????? He was talking about the annual FFA banquet - which I just KNEW was on the 28th, which is NEXT, nope, that would be the 21st
. Guess it's a good thing we went and picked up the pants, shirt and shoes he needs for official dress over the weekend.
Linda, hope you are getting things accomplished and still finding time to relax and de-stress. Gotta be hard with such a short time left before you move and so many decisions to make. Wishing you the best.

Would post here more often but I am usually about 100+/- posts behind when I check in ... go outside and get something done and when I come back, it is like WOW!
... then seems ridiculous to post to such "old" posts. lol

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