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I had about 8 or 9 serama babies hatch today!!! they are so cute. I will have to try and get pics tomorrow!!
Congrats, can't wait to see pics!!
They are doing great, thank you! Lou is coming around, she has started eating treats out of my hand and she lays like a champ, doesn't like the nest box though, lol. I have four of her eggs in the bator, tomorrow is day 7 so we will candle and see what's going on in there. Leo is awesome, he is just a gentleman and so quiet. I could not ask for a better pair.
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All 3 of my girls are broody right now and all trying to be in the same nest box. Oh you should hear them screech at each other!! LOL!
I just hope they don't smash the babies or something and there are still a few eggs left in there and they take them from each constantly!! It is kinda funny but I worry a little about the poor eggs being rolled so much from bird to bird to bird! I tried moving one of them with a few of the babies to another area and she wanted no part of that AT ALL and made a b line right back to the nest box.
just left those little babies sitting there like momma were are you!! I of course put them back but i was hopeing it would work so they wouldn't be so smashed together.
Oh give it a while and she will soon be broody and then you will be like well shoot no eggs for me !! LOL!!
That is too funny, lol..I sure hope atleast someone around here goes broody. In the two years we've had chickens here not one hen has gone broody.
I would love to see a bunch of little lou and leo's running around the barn!
Dang old ordinances!!!

I have 8 Seramas that live in giant rabbit cages in the house. They are spoiled rotten, as their cages are in our family room. I take them outside in the back yard every day if I can for at least an hour or so in the evening before "bedtime" for them so they can scratch around and eat bugs. They are no more messy or hard to take care of than having any other domesticated breed bird in the house...except they lay yummy little eggs!!!

Enjoy those tinies!!!

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This is my house chicken "sick chick". He's blind and has such a fantastic temperment that he became an indoor pet


I'll post a new picture as soon as I download it from my camera- he's filled out since this photo and his tail has grown in

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