Male Khaki Campbell chasing and circling Female Khaki Campbell???


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2021
Hi all,

Wonder if you can help. Have two Khaki Campbells. Male an female. Today my male has been very and overly protective of my female. He chases her around and when she stands still he circles her and when she moves away he chases her.

Is this normal behaviour as i havent come across it before. They are both over three years old.

Hope someone could help
Sounds like mating behavior have you seen them mating? Is he letting her eat? Drakes can sure be weird this time of year. Actually, if you could get a few more females to give him someone else to share the love with that would help. Most of the time 1 to 1 really isn't a good idea since the females can get over-mated.
They sit down but he doesnt seem to settle for long. Constantly moving his beak through her feathers and her wings. He paces around alot too. They have been mating but not a lot. He is also every so often chasing her around. He doesnt let her settle. It just seems strange as in all the four years weve had them hes NEVER acted like this lol
It does seem strange if this is just now happening. But I have a 10 yr old Muscovy drake that I've had since he hatched. He is always a stinker when hormones get going but usually I can flatten him on his belly a few times and he is okay after. Well not this year. He just won't take the hint that I am not going to fight with him. Yes he wants to fight. So I finally found out how to stop the aggression By turning the hose on him with the nozzle turned on high. He doesn't like to be sprayed and he's a duck lol

Might be a good idea to keep an eye on him since this isn't his normal behavior just to make sure something else isn't going on. But more than likely it's just those doggone drake hormones.

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