Male or female Buff Orpington


Jun 23, 2015
Ok so when I got these two buffs they assured me they where both female, I have questioned this for a while, I even emailed the place I got them from with these same photos and they still assured me this was a hen. They are 5 1/2 months old and the one I suspect is a rooster has just this week started making what sounds like crowing but it's quieter and doesn't have that screeching to it. I have heard this can sometimes happen with females before they lay. I am a little conflicted because this chicken loves cuddling and hasn't made a sound other than your typical hen sounds until now. I could always be confusing conflicting with denial too since I kind of love this chicky and would be so upset if I had to let him/her go (we can't have roosters where we live thanks to a neighbor we call Mr hitler). Anyway, let me know what you think!

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