Male or Female?


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Lamar, AR.
Here is my only Guinea. We did have two to start with but the other ran off under our deck and never came out? The guinea I believe is a male going off of the sound he makes. He just does the chit sound and doesn't make the buck wheat sound? He hangs out with our only rooster in the backyard. They were raised together and they never leave each others side. It also does something where it runs in a haphazzard circle and then flops on the ground? What does that mean? Thanks!

If you can catch it you can tell the sex of a guinea by feeling the pelvic bones. Hold it upright and run one hand down the keel bone until you feel it end. Keep going towards the vent. Just before you get to the vent is where the pelvic bones are. In the male they will be very close together almost touching and the female will be much wider apart. Think about it, in the female they have to be wider so she can pass the egg.

Everyone says their hard to sex. To be honest ive found it terribly easy. The sound is the big thing. And judging from that pic yours are old enough to buckwheat if it was a girl. Also my females have significantly smaller wattles. Good luck!
Thank you, we're pretty sure it's a boy. We can get him to sound out just about anytime by imitating his noise. It's so funny.

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