MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

hahaha I don't know why that worked but it did! thank you hahaha.

they are all khaki mom and mallard dad. they were brooded by mom this spring. these two plus four more on the way(rest of the same brood). just had to give the person some time to wrangle them up and have a time to bring em over.

Wow, your drake looks similar at least in the picture to our molting pure khaki drake. I'll attach a photo of him below.

I love how the duck's body is more khaki colored, but she has the mallard eye stripe. I am wondering if our little Vanilla Bean is going to look similar.
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, if they have a drake curl, they definitely are drakes. How old are they?

Walt, my one Mallard is a hen, the other four are Welsh Harlequins. They were bred from Khakis. Of course, Khakis were made from Mallards(well, Runners, Rouens, and Mallards).
Can someone post a picture of them holding a full grown mallard drake? I'm curious to see how big they are.

Were the pictures I posted about a week ago help to you? Could you tell the size of him? I know his coloring was not pretty, but I thought since the judge said his size was good, I would post pictures of him. Well, I hope whatever you were wondering has been answered.
what do you feed your Mallards?  Is chicken feed ok or do they need something else?

I feed my ducks mostly fresh fruit/veggies, leftovers from dinner, and waterfowl feed. They like chicken, fish, eggs, peas, and green beans the most. They also love mangoes and any melons. I try to feed a very large variety of foods and keep any grain/pellet feed to a minimum.
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One of our Snowy Mallard breeder trios...we have a couple other trios of snowy, a gray/blue fawn trio, a blue fawn pair, just don't have a lot of pictures uploaded of our Mallards. My avatar is a different drake that we had that hatched from eggs that we had refrigerated, and then decided we needed to incubate after one of our original breeder drakes was killed by an owl... we called him "Fridge" :)

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