MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

Here is one of my blue fawn females as well. I just took more pictures this weekend and while the sun is making her look a little off color in this picture, she has really nice blue fawn color. She is in with another blue fawn hen and our best gray male in hopes of hatching quite a few of these next Spring.

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Here is one of my blue fawn females as well. I just took more pictures this weekend and while the sun is making her look a little off color in this picture, she has really nice blue fawn color. She is in with another blue fawn hen and our best gray male in hopes of hatching quite a few of these next Spring.


Are these considered pure bred and recognized by the APA? I like the look. How come she does not have the mallard wing stripes? It would seem they would have that since that is something many associate with the mallard breed. Sorta like our khaki mallard mix Vanilla Bean.



If you are successful with your breeding plans, be sure to post pictures. I would like to see the babies. Have you posted a picture of your drake before?
My Mallard is called Onni and I love him to pieces! After being born with stunted growth and cheating death he is now 15 weeks and getting his lovely green head! I will post a picture tomorrow.
She does have speculum. It's kind of hard to tell because the of the lighting. As said, it is not recognized but it comes on many breeds. The UK has several other varieties we don't have. Here in the US you typically only see grays, an occasional snowy (unless you're at my house) and whites from time to time. The cross is originally gray to pastel to get blue fawns. It works like black, blue, splash breeding. Gray, Blue Fawn, Pastel. You can breed all three together for various ratios of each. We've done whites as well and pieds but we show our snowy mallards a lot, but only show grays once in a while.
Blue Fawn also varies in color, like normal blues they can be really light to really dark. It's exactly the same here, but its "wild type" with an additional "blue gene" heterozygous for blue fawn, homozygous for pastel.
This is Fluffy, my male with his two females. I know he is part mallard because of his head (I think). I'm not sure what breed he is but he is very sweet and always a gentleman to his girls. He waits for them to approach him to mate and he lets me pick him up anytime I want.

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