MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

I thought the only type of mallard were the wild ones! :)
Here's a picture of my only mallard josh!
cute :)

Is there a difference between the wild and non? I am just confused about your response. I thought there was not a difference, but maybe I was wrong?

Is there a difference between the wild and non? I am just confused about your response. I thought there was not a difference, but maybe I was wrong?

I'm sure that there isn't a difference, I'm not very good with breeds. I was just confused about the different colorings some people were showing. Like the blue fawn mallard and snowy mallard or something, sorry to confuse you. :D i think that those are just mixed breeds though.
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Is there a difference between the wild and non? I am just confused about your response. I thought there was not a difference, but maybe I was wrong?
99% of what you find is wild Mallards. They breed with anything, so they are usually kind of fat, with shorter bills, bigger heads and varying shades of color...particularly in the females who tend towards lightness. The old style Mallards are like rocket ships. They are slim, very, very strong, have very long bills and just look racier in general. I have had these since 1974. They will explode off a pond and go almost straight up. It's just something I have worked on for years just for my own enjoyment. Here they don't have names and are not handled, but they live 15 years or so and look absolutely beautiful. As long as you are having fun and ducks are always good for a laugh....that's all that counts. Enjoy your ducks.


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