MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

Oh good, my mallard Josh is molting too. He looks kinda ugly this way but he's still a sweety!

Yeah :)
He doesn't have anything to make me think he is a boy but his bill no green head now curl to the tail and no color change so idk might be a late boy bloomer?
How old is he/she again? I thought my drakes were girls but then it turned out they were boys. It took forever for their colors to come in. Also see if you can get him (or her) to quack and if its sounds sort of raspy like that would make him a he. But if its very clear then a female. Sometimes its hard to tell by their quack unless your experianced but at least it can give you a guess. I'm thinking a drake too but I don't really know.
A young bird goes from down to juvenile plumage to first basic, then to first alternate when they get their green heads. That doesn't happen until they are about 5 months old. The head and body colors of first basic plumage are bsubtle, but they can be told apart. That bird is a drake.

You can also check the tertial coverts....they are white edged on a female, not edged on a male.

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Ya I picked him up today witch I do a lot so he won't quack for me but up close I can see the green and his underside is turning grey and the chest is a dark brunet now so ya he is a he! My female flew away about a week and a half ago so I have to get a new one! He is now 12 weeks old!
When I had two mallards the bigger one, my favorite, flew away. :( his name was drake and my other one is josh. Josh wouldn't fly away so that's how I ended up with my Rouens. I wonder how drake is doing all the time now. I hope he's doing amazing! :)
I know drake has been gone for almost a year and I hope he found a mate and is happy! I always hope he'll come back with his mate just to say hello. Because he's out there I've stopped duck hunting but my brother won't. It makes me sick now whenever he kills one. Hey who knows, maybe both of are ducks found eachother and got together! ;) when I thought my ducks were girls drake's name was Daisy too.

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