MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

Everyone post pics of your mallards.... if you aren't sure if its a rouen or mallard
POST IT ANY WAY! I am dead obsessed with mallards and would love to hear about and see yours!
Hey everyone! What am I in for as far as noise? I have 2 drakes. They are pretty quiet now but they are only 3 weeks old. I live in a city but I have a medium sized yard. I built a run for them next to my house. It needs a little work but I think it will serve it's purpose. I got special permission to keep ducks but I was told not to make it an issue. My neighbors are all aware of the fact that I have ducks and don't mind. However I won't have them out there at night. Do you think the noise of two drakes is anything to complain about from no sooner than 11am until no later than 8pm? They aren't hard neighbors to get along with. It would be awesome if someone can post a video of their mallard drake and his vocals.
Hey everyone! What am I in for as far as noise? I have 2 drakes. They are pretty quiet now but they are only 3 weeks old. I live in a city but I have a medium sized yard. I built a run for them next to my house. It needs a little work but I think it will serve it's purpose. I got special permission to keep ducks but I was told not to make it an issue. My neighbors are all aware of the fact that I have ducks and don't mind. However I won't have them out there at night. Do you think the noise of two drakes is anything to complain about from no sooner than 11am until no later than 8pm? They aren't hard neighbors to get along with. It would be awesome if someone can post a video of their mallard drake and his vocals.
Male Mallard ducks don't make much noise.They make this raspy noise but female mallards make a lot more noise because they don't have this raspy voice.I would post a video but it won't let me :/
Hey everyone! What am I in for as far as noise? I have 2 drakes. They are pretty quiet now but they are only 3 weeks old. I live in a city but I have a medium sized yard. I built a run for them next to my house. It needs a little work but I think it will serve it's purpose. I got special permission to keep ducks but I was told not to make it an issue. My neighbors are all aware of the fact that I have ducks and don't mind. However I won't have them out there at night. Do you think the noise of two drakes is anything to complain about from no sooner than 11am until no later than 8pm? They aren't hard neighbors to get along with. It would be awesome if someone can post a video of their mallard drake and his vocals.
I have a mallard drake and an african goose and i live in town too. Hardly anyone knows I have a duck but everyone knows about the goose but they dont mind for some reason haha

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