MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

Collected the eggs, they all look the same, no difference between the KC and the mallard eggs. I only got 2, so it may not even be the mallard. We will have to separate her to get the mallard eggs to make sure i give the right eggs.
Speaking of eggs, we have found three in 12 inches of water near the edge of our pond. Apparently they are laying at the edge and the eggs are rolling into the water. I am pretty sure not even ducks can swim that young.

We have a small pool in our yard, I have found eggs in there randomly. I found eggs is odd places with my Ducks.
okay ! I just got my 3 Mallard ducklings one wed. They are a week old tomorrow and have almost doubled in size ! here are some pictures !!

rascal swimming in the water lol they take turns swimming

rascal :) love them !

LOVE this shot

my cat watching the ducks swim, she watches them swim every day, silly girl

hand feeding

LOVE this shot, got this with my big girl camera! shot this while they were swimming

So Cute!
So I assume I have a female mallard, she's got the green/blue tipped wings and sandy feathering. She was hatched June 3, 2014. I'm not sure what's going on with her call, it seems to be real low and raspy but it doesn't seem to match the male or female calls I've heard online. In this video I attached, the first call is the mallard. The other two louder defined quacks are from the Rouen ducks. I'm wondering if the mallards call could be classified as a disability? The ducks were recently released to the large pond on the property, but the mallard returned twice yesterday and again this morning all alone without the other two Rouen. She can't call out loud enough for the other two to find her which they typically do when the trio is separated.
The two Rouen seem to have disappeared with the flock, when I have tried to lead the Mallard back the pond was empty.

Is my Mallard normal? Or even a female? :/
So I assume I have a female mallard, she's got the green/blue tipped wings and sandy feathering. She was hatched June 3, 2014. I'm not sure what's going on with her call, it seems to be real low and raspy but it doesn't seem to match the male or female calls I've heard online. In this video I attached, the first call is the mallard. The other two louder defined quacks are from the Rouen ducks. I'm wondering if the mallards call could be classified as a disability? The ducks were recently released to the large pond on the property, but the mallard returned twice yesterday and again this morning all alone without the other two Rouen. She can't call out loud enough for the other two to find her which they typically do when the trio is separated.
The two Rouen seem to have disappeared with the flock, when I have tried to lead the Mallard back the pond was empty.

Is my Mallard normal? Or even a female?
I definitely hear some girls later, but I have no idea about the squeaky one at the beginning. Maybe a temporary problem from the hormonal change going on? Lol, it sure is a funny sound. If it is a male, its bill will begin to change from orange to yellow in the next few weeks, so if the voice doesn't straighten out eventually, the bill color will help clear things up soon.
 I definitely hear some girls later, but I have no idea about the squeaky one at the beginning. Maybe a temporary problem from the hormonal change going on? Lol, it sure is a funny sound. If it is a male, its bill will begin to change from orange to yellow in the next few weeks, so if the voice doesn't straighten out eventually, the bill color will help clear things up soon.

Another thing about the bill color, it seems to have a blue/grey hue to it. Shouldn't the tail feathers have a curl by now if it were a male? My mallard also lacks this.

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