MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

jannakaye, that makes me nervous, a possum. Altho I have never seen ours out during the day..
I usually like the smarter animals the best! Even if they're more likely to figure out how to get into trouble :)
I think she had clipped wings, but I'm not sure, they were given to me as presents so all I know is that she was a mallard, don't know if she had Rouen in her. She was slim like a wild mallard, not heavily built, so I would have thought she could fly, but she never did. She was fully grown and was laying eggs when the incident happened.
Hello all the new people to the thread , sad mallard stories around these day son sorry about everybody's stories and happy for some of them two ( about the parts where some babies were alive and such)

My dusky has started a nest and is laying on them at the moment , it's nice to have some back up eggs just in case that these don't end up being fertile

Now dawn (my late boys mate ) did lay an egg today and it was fertile but as the egg came out she clenched an the egg broke as it came out of her. :( today she's went back on the pond so I don't think that any more of her eggs will be his :(
Here is a picture of my mallard ducklings. I have 11 mallards and 2 pekins. They are about 5 days old.
Hello all the new people to the thread , sad mallard stories around these day son sorry about everybody's stories and happy for some of them two ( about the parts where some babies were alive and such)

My dusky has started a nest and is laying on them at the moment , it's nice to have some back up eggs just in case that these don't end up being fertile

Now dawn (my late boys mate ) did lay an egg today and it was fertile but as the egg came out she clenched an the egg broke as it came out of her.
today she's went back on the pond so I don't think that any more of her eggs will be his
Sorry you havent been having the best of luck lately. It happens to the best of us. I lost my best female ringneck dove this week and that one hit hard. I dont know what I would do if i lost my drake though. It would be terrible. Hope things start looking up for you!
Hey guys I have a question. I have 3 hens and 1 drake mallard. The drake keeps chasing and pecking at one of the females and never tries to "do it" with her but he does it with all the other females and is okay with them being next to him. Is this normal?
Ok so my hubby came home with 3 ducklings he got from a local feed store. We know one is definitely a mallard, but are unsure about what exactly they are. The store only had received the Hatchery Choice Duck straight run assortment from Ideal Poultry. I think the other two ducks are a Pekin and a snowy mallard. Am I correct? See the picture below:

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