MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

Thanks! Is the concave bill a desired type in most breeds? Just curious...


It is a defect or DQ in many other breeds of ducks.


Interesting... I find it the concave shape more pleasing, kind of the same way I find a "dished" face in a horse more attractive.

One of my Metzer Farm mallard hens flew away about a month ago and I'm shocked she has never returned home. I went inside the pen to catch some call ducks to cull, and she flew straight up in the air above the trees about top of power line pole height and disappeared into the wild blue yonder, her sister the same age flew out of the pen and landed on the lawn, and was easy to catch and put back in the pen, I guess she wants to be a domestic duck and the other wants to be a wild thing, still food and water outside the pen in case she comes home, I'm sure she'll stop in someday. At least 1/2 of those Metzer Farm mallards are good flyers.
One of my Metzer Farm mallard hens flew away about a month ago and I'm shocked she has never returned home. I went inside the pen to catch some call ducks to cull, and she flew straight up in the air above the trees about top of power line pole height and disappeared into the wild blue yonder, her sister the same age flew out of the pen and landed on the lawn, and was easy to catch and put back in the pen, I guess she wants to be a domestic duck and the other wants to be a wild thing, still food and water outside the pen in case she comes home, I'm sure she'll stop in someday. At least 1/2 of those Metzer Farm mallards are good flyers.
I didn't get my mallards at metzer but I always clip them anyway. Just be careful for the blood feathers
In 50 years, Ive never yet clipped a wing, I'm all for freedom, if they want to fly away, then that's their choice, I will never ever clip a wing,
A mallard raised domestically WILL NOT survive out in the wild on its own 99% of the Time. If you believe in "freedom" so much just let all your ducks go then buddy. Also not all ducks can fly I hope you realize.

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Here's my mallard
he is clipped and is best friends with a pekin

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My duckswant to fly away, they are free to, as i already posted, one recently did. Of course most domestic ducks can't fly to begin with, but those that can, i certainly won't be clipping their wings to stop them. If i wanted ducks that don't fly, instead of getting ducks that can fly, i'd get some big fat ducks that can't fly like Pekins, Rouens, Swedish, large Appleyards, Saxony's etcetra. Ducks that can fly do ok living off the land, where as big fat domestic ducks that have to walk everywhere they go are pretty much out of luck. The lakes, streams and rivers around here are loaded with algae, snails, frogs, minnows, bugs and slugs and mosquito larvae; I'm pretty sure the hen that flew away isn't starving, in fact she must be eating really good because she hasn't returned home yet to eat any pellets. And by the way, I am the Duckmeister! i've been raising ducks for over 50 years, and any duck ever wanted to fly away, they were welcome too. Let freedom reign!

I miss my mallard hen that flew away, i wish she would come back :(, but apparently she's happier living off the land.

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