MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

here they are out and about with mommy.. they are so sweet. Thanks for all the help
Don't they go into the water right after birth? I've never checked temps as I'm sure my pond is a steady 55 degrees and we have several new Mallard ducklings who seem to love it different for domestic ducks?
Everything I've studied and I've studied alot never suggests the water be warm....interesting....
autopsy on those eggs shrink wrap badly membrane stuck to an eye. What appeared to me to be mold. 6 had ducks in them under developed in them 1 real bad. 5 almost there. One was like I first incubated them. A few eggs had blood and vains no duck. Yolk green and black goo. I praying the ones outside with ducks our good. They will not leave both nests.

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