Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Yep, they would.  You're going to be nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers for a bit, but let your calm head and your common sense take over. Common sense is your best friend when you are making a change like this - listening to your chicks, checking on them periodically, and letting them do the rest is your best bet!  

You've got this, Trace!

Haha so true, I've been going out there every 5 min to check!

I'm happy to report, they are going in and out and jumping on top and eating / drinking just like they did in the house! And my garage is probably 40 degrees right now. Thank you all for reading my posts and answering all my questions!
Me too! And you, Miss Bee, have been one of my very best teachers! If you hadn't hatched eggs using the heating pad method, and encouraged me as I wrapped my head around a better way to raise chicks, I'd still be brooding them in the office, whining about the mess, and raising little Divas instead of healthy chickens!! Bless you, my special friend!
I've used all my thumbs for the day, dang it! Thank you, Miss Blooie. It's always nice when folks put what they are doing or learning up on the site so others can benefit from it, like you have done here. If you learn it, then keep it to yourself, it doesn't help many other people cut their own learning curve down a mite.

I've had many an old timer just talking about the things they've learned that has added to my own set of instructions for chickens....what I learn, I try, to see if it holds up and holds water. If it doesn't, I discard it. If it does, I add it to my "things to know" file. From there it usually goes into the "things to share" file and then we meet great people who are also trying to learn.

It's truly a way of keeping blessings flowing both ways to teach what you've learned and also to keep learning so you can continue to share. It's a true giving of time, thought and heart to share such things with others and you are doing that really well on this thread.
Here they are in action :) I think they seem perfectly happy.

They are precious!! :D

One thing I've learned from mine though, when I didn't prepare beforehand, is they grow FAST and will outgrow that soon, even with only a few, so hopefully you have a bigger space prepared? I had 8 though and standards but they do grow fast. Anyhow, they are absolutely adorable! Are they your first?
They are precious!! :D

One thing I've learned from mine though, when I didn't prepare beforehand, is they grow FAST and will outgrow that soon, even with only a few, so hopefully you have a bigger space prepared? I had 8 though and standards but they do grow fast. Anyhow, they are absolutely adorable! Are they your first?

The tub I have them in is about 3x2. I plan to get them into the coop
In the next week or so depending on how they tolerate the cold. So far they're taking it like champs! And it's really cold here today! They are indeed my first chickens ever
:) so I'll turn my 4x6 coop into a brooder when they're ready and when my 10 ordered chicks from Meyer come on the 12th, I'm hoping to sneak them in with these 3 silkies, but I can keep them separate if need be.

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