Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

I found it very difficult to measure the temp accurately under the HP as it doesn't work like a lamp and radiate heat very far....
......they put their bodies right against it, like they would a broody mama.
That's why I like a flat rack rather than an arched one, more contact area, especially the first week.

Try putting the thermometer between the pad and rack, or raise the thermometer on a block of wood to get it closer to the pad, and see what you get.
It can be a leap of faith using this method......going by chick behavior more than the thermometer.

Ok, thanks! I will try that.
I found it very difficult to measure the temp accurately under the HP as it doesn't work like a lamp and radiate heat very far....
......they put their bodies right against it, like they would a broody mama.
That's why I like a flat rack rather than an arched one, more contact area, especially the first week.

Try putting the thermometer between the pad and rack, or raise the thermometer on a block of wood to get it closer to the pad, and see what you get.
It can be a leap of faith using this method......going by chick behavior more than the thermometer.
x2 I don't set much store by the thermometer either, since it's not taking into account the extra heat produced by chicks huddled together and it's measuring at their feet rather than their backs, where you want the heat. @aart and I have different ways of getting the same thing done - healthy chicks - and neither way is "righter" or "wronger" so if what she says makes you more comfortable than go with the flat surface. I only do it the way I do because I like having that towel folded so that it drapes down and the back and sides of the cave are closed in. I like the security they feel that way, and I like the heat held in too. As far as the arch in the wire, some chicks want to be closer to the heat so they stay close to the sides and back. Bigger chicks and chicks who don't need as much heat stay toward the arched center. It's not that dramatic of an arch and easy to "smoosh" down if you want the heat closer to them, then you can just pull up on the center to give it more arch as they grow. But as I said, both ways are still far and away safer and better than a heat lamp!
Ok, I did a test run last night in my 60 degree room. There's a thermometer in the cave and after 2 hours on setting 6, it's only 70 degrees in the cave. Any thoughts?

For what it's worth, I have Brinsea heat panels (sort of an expensive version of MHP), and they specifically say not to bother taking the temperature under the panel (or even of the heating surface) and don't try try to extrapolate to the standard "95F for the first week, then 5 degrees cooler each week" advice, as it is not representative of the heat available to the chicks. They say rather to watch chick behavior (which is what you do with MHP as well).

Even though I have the Brinsea panel, I am so tempted to try MHP when my chicks hatch, as I love the whole cave thing...

- Ant Farm
Has anyone purchased the "chick heating blankets" from a farm supply store? I was so proud about my "chick mama blanket" that I am building, I mentioned it to my parents, husband etc... Saying all the research and the information from "BYC", and my dad told me they had the heating blankets at the farm supply store... So I called them and asked them what it was and told them about my heating system...they laughed at me for doing something "natural" for chickens and said nothing would work better than a heat anyways back to my original question... Is the sunbeam brand the only one anyone has used? Also does it get too hot to cause a fire ? (This was something else the associate warned me about, but yet he didn't think a heat lamp would be a fire hazard... I would think the complete opposite...) [[ Here is an example of what I was talking about. ]]

Also Thank you for all the "hellos" and "welcomes"

perchie-girl thank you

I looked at the linked product. It seems it would do the same thing as a heating pad for humans, though it appears they expect you to have it attached to the floor or wall rather than suspended. But it could be snugged up against a wire "smooshable" frame same as a heating pad. But I don't think I would use it "off label" for your sore back when it isn't being used to brood chicks. And 9x12 isn't very big. $29 for the "chicken specific" pad or $34 (on Amazon) for a 12" x 15" or $36 for a 12" x 24" multi purpose" pad? Unless, of course, you get FireAntFarm's $60 pad with chickens stenciled all over it
I looked at the linked product. It seems it would do the same thing as a heating pad for humans, though it appears they expect you to have it attached to the floor or wall rather than suspended. But it could be snugged up against a wire "smooshable" frame same as a heating pad. But I don't think I would use it "off label" for your sore back when it isn't being used to brood chicks. And 9x12 isn't very big. $29 for the "chicken specific" pad or $34 (on Amazon) for a 12" x 15" or $36 for a 12" x 24" multi purpose" pad? Unless, of course, you get FireAntFarm's $60 pad with chickens stenciled all over it

I've got my stencils and paints out, Amazon store set up, waiting for the orders to roll in. (Do you think I should have charged $70?)


- Ant Farm
I've got my stencils and paints out, Amazon store set up, waiting for the orders to roll in. (Do you think I should have charged $70?)


- Ant Farm
You can charge whatever you want as long as my name is on the royalty checks!

We were supposed to leave for Cheyenne sometime this afternoon, but we're waiting to get positive confirmation on the date and time for Ken's sister's services. So I just keep poking around on here and on my other favorite place to be...waiting. I don't do waiting well. <sigh> Now Robbie (Sharon's hubby) is thinking about waiting until Saturday. No matter, I'm all packed and ready so as soon as he calls we are out of here.
Did you guys know that a feed store is using Mama Heating Pad for the chicks they are selling? It's Urban Chicken in Raleigh, NC. Pretty doggone cool, huh? Also I talked about this system with one of people at My Pet Chicken when I ordered my hatching eggs. It wasn't Alex, who is on here quite a bit, but someone else and I can't remember his name. Anyway, we were settling on a delivery date and I told him as late in March as possible, because I brood my chicks outdoors and we are in unpredictable Wyoming. He asked a ton of questions about it and I told him about the thread. Next thing I knew I was here on the thread and saw MyPetChicken in the little box that tells which members are visiting. I thought that was kinda cool~
Did you guys know that a feed store is using Mama Heating Pad for the chicks they are selling? It's Urban Chicken in Raleigh, NC. Pretty doggone cool, huh? Also I talked about this system with one of people at My Pet Chicken when I ordered my hatching eggs. It wasn't Alex, who is on here quite a bit, but someone else and I can't remember his name. Anyway, we were settling on a delivery date and I told him as late in March as possible, because I brood my chicks outdoors and we are in unpredictable Wyoming. He asked a ton of questions about it and I told him about the thread. Next thing I knew I was here on the thread and saw MyPetChicken in the little box that tells which members are visiting. I thought that was kinda cool~

Have you patented this, Blooie? (I'm actually being serious!) You should...

- Ant Farm

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