Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

left one is Ziva...she has an attitude and attacks my hands and feet lol right one is Penelope like garcia off criminal minds :)

Lil black one is my lil Abby :) (another NCIS name lol)

They're growing so fast. and are really a joy that i didnt expect :)
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so just curious about something. Was just reading over in a new girls thread about her home made heating plate, and I commented how I'd like to see pictures. She sent me a pm, and even posted in her thread, that she intends on trying to sell these. and refused to post pics so no one can copy it........

Maybe it's just me, but a new member, sees an idea on here, does her own, then decides she'll steal the idea and sell them. Is it just me or does this go against the principle of 'community helpfulness' here? just didn't set right with me, but oh well. I sure don't have any problem sleeping at night myself....

well not because of my conscience anyway......LOL
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so just curious about something. Was just reading over in a new girls thread about her home made heating plate, and I commented how I'd like to see pictures. She sent me a pm, and even posted in her thread, that she intends on trying to sell these. and refused to post pics so no one can copy it........

Maybe it's just me, but a new member, sees an idea on here, does her own, then decides she'll steal the idea and sell them. Is it just me or does this go against the principle of 'community helpfulness' here? just didn't set right with me, but oh well. I sure don't have any problem sleeping at night myself....

well not because of my conscience anyway......LOL

You'd be surprised how often that happens here. Many a great idea or story tends to gravitate to blog sites or elsewhere to make someone money. Many folks have taken to marking their pics and such so that they can't be copied and used without credit to the owner, etc., but it's a little more difficult with ideas.
so just curious about something. Was just reading over in a new girls thread about her home made heating plate, and I commented how I'd like to see pictures. She sent me a pm, and even posted in her thread, that she intends on trying to sell these. and refused to post pics so no one can copy it........

Maybe it's just me, but a new member, sees an idea on here, does her own, then decides she'll steal the idea and sell them. Is it just me or does this go against the principle of 'community helpfulness' here? just didn't set right with me, but oh well. I sure don't have any problem sleeping at night myself....

well not because of my conscience anyway......LOL
When I see someone being a Jack@ss??......

......I just tell myself "I am not the Jack@*** Whisperer" and move along with my day.

Everyone reaps their own Karma, not my concern.
Things like this are the reason that, when I started this thread, I made sure to go out of my way to find Patrice Lopatin's video and also to mention that Beekissed had done basically this same thing with her natural incubation experiment. I wanted to make sure that credit for the entire system was given to those who had done it before me. And then when I followed aart's link and found where she had already devised something like this last year, that got added as well.

This is NOT my idea, and some of the fine-tuning and idea sharing other posters have made to this thread have been invaluable. And THAT, my friends, is how it's supposed to work.
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Things like this are the reason that, when I started this thread, I made sure to go out of my way to find Patrice Lopatin's video and also to mention that Beekissed had done basically this same thing with her natural incubation experiment. I wanted to make sure that credit for the entire system was given to those who had done it before me. And then when I followed aart's link and found where he had already devised something like this last year, that got added as well.

This is NOT my idea, and some of the fine-tuning and idea sharing other posters have made to this thread have been invaluable. And THAT, my friends, is how it's supposed to work.
Yeah...and you ain't trying to make any money off it. That makes a world of difference. Some will do anything to make a buck, even if it's not necessarily ethical.
 Yeah...and you ain't trying to make any money off it.  That makes a world of difference.  Some will do anything to make a buck, even if it's not necessarily ethical. 

Keep in mind that the more you spread word about the "FREE" advice, and how to on this thread the less people will feel they have to pay someone else to make their artificial brooder. At the same time there are people who never had a creative bone in their body and want every thing "out of the box" ready to go and willing to spend the bucks to have it that way. She will appeal to that mentality.

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