Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

This is what my vet ordered for me.  He says it is fine for poultry and I can even use it on the dogs and cats if need be.  He only charged me his cost for 2 tubes.  Less than $15 total.  He is a really kind vet.  When my older dog was spayed he noticed she had a rash on her belly.  He gave us medication for it at no charge.  He even called to check on her a week later.

What feed store in San Diego?  I live in the Inland Empire so that is not too terribly far.  Since I don't have a car any trips out of town are on the weekends only when my husband is home. 
Yeah used some on a kitty that had a persistent bad eye.
Just thought I'd share a few photos of how well integration is going between the Tinys and the Bigs. I love how smoothly it all runs when the chicks have a safe, secure brooder with more than enough room, and all age groups of chickens are within sight and sound of each other. The Littles were off behind the coop doing their own thing. Who wants grown ups and little kids hanging around when teenagers have important stuff to do, right? Scout is the most patient with the Littles and the Tinys. He even finds them bits of food.





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Those Buff Brahmas are really gorgeous! It makes me miss the ones I used to have all the more. They have such wonderful temperaments, so do the Light Brahmas.

Last evening, I took the chicks' feeder up at dusk when I picked up the other FF feeders, both because I wash them out every night and now that the bears are lurking, I don't leave food in the run overnight. I thought I was finished for the day when I heard a very loud distressed chirping from the grow-out pen. The chicks had come back out of their cave to have one last bite of food and discovered the feeder was gone!

So, I filled a small cup with their FF and that shut them up. These tiny beings never cease to amaze me at how well they communicate their needs.
Beautiful Buffies!

Love the Std Brahmas in Black and White...and they are mellow, only one of my breeds that seek to be touched....but finding I don't care for the feathered feet so much.
I really like the Lights too. I have 4 of them in addition to the Buffs. Not sure how I'm going to feel about the feathered legs either, but I really like the look of these birds, the size of them, and we need winter hardy birds here so they fit that bill. We'll see.
I have a light and buff brahma in the brooder right now. They seem to be feathering out slower than the other 3 chicks. I thought it might have to do with the feathered feet but Frou Frou (salmon faverolles) has feathered feet and she is one of the more feathered out. But my brahmas are the biggest of all the chicks!
Ok, I LOVE my MHP system, and the hubby has calmed down from "GAAAHHH - YOU HAVE TO HAVE A LIGHT!!!" to "Gee, maybe this is a good idea after all."

HOWEVER, I need to come up with a different container, as the big dog crate idea just isn't doing it for me. It's too hard to get into for cleaning. I can't interact with them because it's too difficult to get into, and the chicks are all so terrified of me that they completely freak out whenever I open the door.
So, I have moved them back into the old big aquarium that I used last year, with Mama. It's pretty cramped, so I am actively looking for another solution for them. I'm not at all sure what that will be at this point. However, they don't flee under Mama when I walk by or stop to look in at them, like they were with the crate, so I am happier about that.
Oh, and an update on Gimpy, the chick that got stuck in the wires - she's completely fine now - I can't even tell which one she is at this point.

Ok, I LOVE my MHP system, and the hubby has calmed down from "GAAAHHH - YOU HAVE TO HAVE A LIGHT!!!" to "Gee, maybe this is a good idea after all."

HOWEVER, I need to come up with a different container, as the big dog crate idea just isn't doing it for me. It's too hard to get into for cleaning. I can't interact with them because it's too difficult to get into, and the chicks are all so terrified of me that they completely freak out whenever I open the door.
So, I have moved them back into the old big aquarium that I used last year, with Mama. It's pretty cramped, so I am actively looking for another solution for them. I'm not at all sure what that will be at this point. However, they don't flee under Mama when I walk by or stop to look in at them, like they were with the crate, so I am happier about that.
Oh, and an update on Gimpy, the chick that got stuck in the wires - she's completely fine now - I can't even tell which one she is at this point.


Build a brooder box.... They are so much easier to clean and you can make it the exact size and shape you need. And with MHP as long as its secure from predators it can go on a back porch or even out in the coop if you have room 24 x 4 is a good size and you can make it out of a single sheet of plywood

sorry this is a very very quick drawing It is 8.5 x 11 standard letter size when it prints.

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Build a brooder box.... They are so much easier to clean and you can make it the exact size and shape you need. And with MHP as long as its secure from predators it can go on a back porch or even out in the coop if you have room 24 x 4 is a good size and you can make it out of a single sheet of plywood

sorry this is a very very quick drawing It is 8.5 x 11 standard letter size when it prints.


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