Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Okay, stop worrying! Mine did great at a week old and temps were in the twenties. Betcha when you go out tomorrow morning they'll be running all over the place, eating, drinking, and not caring one whit that you worried all night!

I beat you to it...
And that's just what we have to do, @10AcreChick WE have to be Mamas! Mamas don't spoil them. They provide for them, but let them figure life out on their own terms. We have to let them be chicks learning to be chickens. For me the days of raising little Divas is over. It ended two years ago when I first plopped Scout under a heating pad and watched him recover and thrive among the flock.
I would like to string a mile of very high tensile small diameter piano wire all over my property. Not to keep the hawks or eagles in, but to act as a guillotine and cut their heads off when they hit it during a dive towards my birds.....

Whew, That felt good to get off my chest..... BTW Fish and wildlife people I would never really do that!!

It is illegal for people to kill raptors. But it isn't illegal if they kill themselves


What he said
By now you have already gone out to see the chicks. All fine and dandy, right?

Thank you, Blooie and Ralphie! LOL, now I'm worried they will be too hot with nights that warm!
It's so hard being a mama hen!

It is easier the second time around, just like with human babies.

Andy has been outside for about 2 weeks, it has been single digit cold and look at him, Does he look bothered by it.

Yep, that there is one seriously uncomfortable bird.

Does he help with the workshop projects?
Yes, Bruceha, they were great this morning! I'm going to take some pictures tonight for ya'll, my coop brooder turned out awesome. (Bragging!)

I just wish my rooster chick could join his 22 ladies outside. He has a protruding vent from some pasty butt, and I had to separate him because they were pecking at it. He is still inside, though in good spirits and eating, drinking and pooping. He is not growing as fast as the others, but I have hope that he will make a full recovery.
He's also the only Barred Rock, so maybe they are just smaller chicks? I don't know.
It is illegal for people to kill raptors. But it isn't illegal if they kill themselves

What he said
By now you have already gone out to see the chicks. All fine and dandy, right?

It is easier the second time around, just like with human babies.

Yep, that there is one seriously uncomfortable bird.

Does he help with the workshop projects?

He is quite the helper. He cleans stuff and leaves a nice waxy substance I can rub into the projects. Actually he is the one I am hoping make my show bird this year.

SO far I am happy with him, He has 6 nice little points on his head and his tail is not too high, yet.. I just need him to quit being so flighty when I go to pick him up. He is fine once I catch him, but he runs when the others run. But he is a CLB, they always seem flighty to me.

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