Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Eggs won't be shipped until Monday, CO, and probably won't even arrive until Thursday. Out here "Overnight" means in a couple of overnights, and "Express" means pony!
Ahhhhh. I just found out my TSC has chicks. I have my heating pad, but I need to find a frame to put it on and FAST!

I used a rib rack!!

Our TSC has chicks too but we went to see them a few weeks ago and it was literally the day before they came in :( haven't been back but maybe today.

And yeah, some people use an oven rack too. Same idea i think
Eeeeek! The chick talk is making me soooo impatient for my littles to be ready to pick up!!! I'm curious now whether our local places have any chicks...wait, what am I thinking??!! Curse you chicken math! Lol
Oh the broody buster! Yes, THAT is a job now. One of my hens would NOT give it up last fall. For 3 months that hen wanted to go broody, I sought out feedback here on BYC and chose to just keep breaking her. The thought of her hatching chicks in the dead of winter just scared me. Maybe as I get more experience with chickens I would let her?? I went back and forth thinking, okay maybe she knows best? She knows winter is coming, maybe I just need to trust her instincts? Again, judgement call LOL!

Sadly, SHE does not know best. If they knew best they would know that they have no fertile eggs under them, that they can't hatch multicolored plastic Easter eggs. I think that is the ONLY thing I've seen with chickens that they don't instinctively know. Broody is hormones. A broody hen with nothing to hatch will make herself sick staying in the nest. My understanding (having no personal knowledge) is that a hen brooding fertile eggs will get off the nest to eat and poop. My broodies have to be ejected from the nest. People think it is cruel to put them up in the air in a wire cage so they can't stay hot and their hormones will settle. I disagree. Letting them sit in a nest for week after week after week after week is cruel. They will growl at me when I pull them off the nest to put them in the buster. What is the first thing they do in there? They eat and drink. Yes they will be fussy in the cage for some time but they are healthy in there.

@Blooie Ooooooooh my gooooodnesss!!!! It worked!!!
Thank you so much! I never considered that it might be too warm or to try it with the lights out!! I don't have the numbers on my heating pad, I did turn it down to medium though. They are all snuggled in and out for the night (I hope!), genius! I assume if they are too warm, they will get out? Right?

As often as Blooie says (types?) "I'm not the brightest crayon in the box" we all know she is a genius

No self effacing comments from you on that compliment Blooie

Oh they did "purr" and it melted my heart!
Soooooo sweet!

It doesn't help that I may be a bit of a micromanager (aka control freak) this is a good lesson for me. They are going to be my guide from now on.

Thank you again!! I really appreciate your quick replies!

Yeah, micromanaging types have a hard time with KISS

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