Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Hi again everyone, this thread is so fun to read! My 15 chicks are still going strong under MHP in the big-hen coop (and we had a COLD SNOWY night last night here in CO) ! BRRR.

They are now 19 days old. They are so BIG already ! And like others have said, their wing and tail feathers are coming in much faster than heat-lamp brooder chicks. They are flying around and very active and amusing. They are CROWDED in their pen, so I'm begging hubby to expand it. Will need to repeat my begging again, the last time did not work.

One of the little buggers flew out of the pen, and was cheeping/anxious to get back in with it's chicky buddies, so had the hubby put a net top over it. No more escapes so far.
I am having trouble with the MHP COLLAPSING in the middle a lot, since they like to perch on top. The wire mesh is too weak. I'll try to put a dowel or skewer in there, thanks to a suggestion from this thread.

Got my @azygous portal installed in the partition wall base today,
still need a latch of sorts to hold it closed and open.
You can see 2 other sliding 'chick' doors that have never been tested,
got chicks outside too late last year - can't remember why.

......and to keep on topic(haha) installed an extension cord for MHP in coop too.
Will still probably use my cadillac brooder inside for a few days before moving them out to coop.

Hey you all! My chicks are now about 3.5 weeks! They have been under (or more often, on top of) MHP in the brooder for the last couple weeks or so...

There were some delays with the new outdoor coop and run, or they would have been moved outside earlier, but it is now whitewashed and as close to predator proof as I can make it. Fingers crossed!

So tomorrow is the big day of moving the six babies to the coop with MHP! Wish me luck, this is all so new to me...
And I have a couple questions for all...

How old were or will be your chicks when you moved them outside with the MHP? How old were they when you removed MHP? Did you keep them "cooped up" with MHP to begin with or let them out in the run right away? (My coop is elevated in the run).

Thanks so much for your responses! I know some folks just start them outside to begin with!

(somewhat nervous new chicken mama here!)
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Aart, looks terrific! You are an artist with wood and tools!

Mobius, my chicks were brooded in the run from their first week. I opened their portals to the adult portion of the run at age three weeks. By age five weeks, they moved into their coop with MHP for the first two nights, then I took it away since they didn't use it the second night. By age five weeks, since they were in a cool environment, they were completely feathered already.
Not sure I'll be much help but mine arrived a day earlier than expected so I wasn't really prepared so they moved inside in the bathroom for what was only supposed to be one night... turned into 3 weeks LOL then I finally got a brooder set up in our garage, maybe 4x4, although it seemed like less space with the waterer, food, MHP, and 8 3 week old chicks! But they did fairly well. Got them a coop on sale at TSC by maybe 6 weeks, didn't trust it, only 3x3, Chinese made, tiny run, etc, so was moving them out during the day and in at night but then we got an old dog kennel we had laying around, 6x12, set up around it and removed the tiny run so I felt better about leaving them out there and they moved outside permanently at 7 weeks. No MHP. But it was fairly cold in the garage. I think they would have feathered out way sooner had they not been inside the first 3 weeks but once in the garage they started feathering way faster
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@azygous and @KDOGG331 , your responses are super helpful....I so trust the MHP cause @Blooie lives in WY and I know the weather, having lived near there and now in NW Montana. In the 20s at night, 40 in the day, coop not drafty...I will have to experiment in the next few days leaving pop door open I think during the day...I almost want a baby alarm due to the predator issues...we shall see!! Such a big transition. I think they are feathering pretty well, will try to post a pic!
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and @KDOGG331
, your responses are super helpful....I so trust the MHP cause @Blooie
lives in WY and I know the weather, having lived near there and now in NW Montana. In the 20s at night, 40 in the day, coop not drafty...I will have to experiment in the next few days leaving pop door open I think during the day...I almost want a baby alarm due to the predator issues...we shall see!! Such a big transition. I think they are feathering pretty well, will try to post a pic!

Glad I could be of help! I would definitely try leaving the door open and let them decide. The first time mine were outside they huddled under the coop or in a corner, the first time they didn't even wanna leave the box at first, but eventually they started exploring. I know some people who have them outside from the beginning, even with access to a run like you're thinking of, and they won't even venture out for weeks. So I'd be patient and let them decide, takes a while for them to build up the confidence to go outside :)
Hey you all! My chicks are now about 3.5 weeks! They have been under (or more often, on top of) MHP in the brooder for the last couple weeks or so...

There were some delays with the new outdoor coop and run, or they would have been moved outside earlier, but it is now whitewashed and as close to predator proof as I can make it. Fingers crossed!

So tomorrow is the big day of moving the six babies to the coop with MHP! Wish me luck, this is all so new to me...
And I have a couple questions for all...

How old were or will be your chicks when you moved them outside with the MHP? How old were they when you removed MHP? Did you keep them "cooped up" with MHP to begin with or let them out in the run right away? (My coop is elevated in the run).

Thanks so much for your responses! I know some folks just start them outside to begin with!

(somewhat nervous new chicken mama here!)

More than likely they won't go too far at first with their environment being totally changed. And since your coop is elevated, they will likely stay in even longer, not being sure about the ramp and height. You might need to introduce them to the run. Plus, if the cleats on the ramp are set for adult LF, the chicks will have to slide down to each cleat in turn and climbing back up might be a challenge. You might want to add some intermediate cleats until they are bigger. It will be fun for you to see (if you happen to be there) which of the chicks are more adventurous and willing to chance an excursion. Once one goes down the others will get more brave.
Ok all, new chick momma here! After reading thru all these wonderful and very helpful posts, I do have a question :)

I did have a different type of brooder all set and ready for the chicks I am getting in 3 weeks, but now will be making changes and using part of the old, and incorporating the MHP method. My only concern, and one I didn't see an answer to is,, will the MHP heat up the pine shavings I have in the brooder to the point of setting them on fire? Or possibly drying the out even more that I need to be concerned. I do have a red light set up inside the insulated, and well ventilated coop, but I am NOT a fan of any light hanging and possibly setting fire to the whole thing!

Thank you all so much for the help, and great advice on here! I am really getting excited, and nervous, for the chicks to get here!! Hubby is hoping I don't change my mind, again, on how I want all this set up, lol.
Ok all, new chick momma here! After reading thru all these wonderful and very helpful posts, I do have a question  :)

  I did have a different type of brooder all set and ready for the chicks I am getting in 3 weeks, but now will be making changes and using part of the old, and incorporating the MHP method. My only concern, and one I didn't see an answer to is,, will the MHP heat up the pine shavings I have in the brooder to the point of setting them on fire?  Or possibly drying the out even more that I need to be concerned. I do have a red light set up inside the insulated, and well ventilated coop, but I am NOT a fan of any light hanging and possibly setting fire to the whole thing!
  Thank you all so much for the help, and great advice on here! I am really getting excited, and nervous, for the chicks to get here!! Hubby is hoping I don't change my mind, again, on how I want all this set up, lol.

I am a complete newbie to this but for what it's worth I have pine shavings under the heating pad and have not had any issues with that.

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