Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

My bantie brooder is pretty quiet, but my standards are very noisy! They're all healthy, doing great, and VERY active so I'm not worried. At night when everyone's crops are full, they tuck themselves in, and I turn the light out, they quiet down quickly. During the day, they're quarterbacking with food (or an interesting shaving), chest bumping, practicing flying, dust bathing, surveying their domain from atop the waterer (I need to set up the nipples), pecking at the sides of the brooder, tossing shavings everywhere scratching through them...all at once since there's probably 40 in, very noisy.

Sounds EXACTLY like what's happening here :)
Trying the link again

They are adorable and sound like mine did at that age, just happily peeping away and exploring!
Just about one week in and loving it. :) I love love LOVE the MHP. It's working so well and I'm not so concerned about fires. I'm also loving brooding them out in the coop. The only downside... I'm not getting anything done around here. I'm way too busy watching the chicks! haha Thanks everyone for all of the great info/advice on this thread.
I have had my chicks for 4 days inside with a heat lamp. I needed to make a bigger brooder and was going to make an outside coop in the big girls run with this set up, wpuld that work?
They aren't going to be 100% quiet all the time. Adults aren't either. They're always chattering and such. The only time mine are quiet is when they are sleeping at night. Otherwise they are constantly cheeping at each other. There's a distinct difference between the "visiting and chirping because we can" sound and the "Help me, something's going to eat me" chirping. So if yours are sounding like the ones in this video all the time, they are just fine! (And yes, I know the towel is a disgusting mess. I had put fresh straw up there and it took them mere minutes to scratch it all off. Silly chickens! But the nice thing is that with using old towels, I just pulled that one off later in the day and put a fresh one up there, then tossed the yucky one.)


Nope, I still haven't found either heating pad. I had to go back to the beginning of this thread and make absolutely sure that I'd ever used them in the first place - I was beginning to doubt my sanity ----- and not ONE word!!
We have our first four chicks in a cat kennel with a MHP that my husband built following directions in this thread. I wish I'd taken a picture of it before we handed it over to the chicks- I'm sure it won't be nearly as pretty when they're through with it!

The chicks range from a few days to nearly two weeks. The little one is inside quite a lot of the time, while the older ones spend most of their day on top.

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