Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE


Well, Sh!t......lost one of the 6 purchased pullet chicks.

Got it's head stuck and in run wire and side of head and an eye(gone) was pretty scraped up but think it's all self inflicted rather than a predator. Adults were sounding off louder than usual and outside-unusual, decided after about 10 minutes I better check it out. Adults were all crammed under coop but broke up when I appeared...and maybe scared off predator? Might never know if it was a predator or just dumb bad luck. All the chicks have been trying to stick their heads thru the combo chicken wire and 2x4 fencing, some of their combs are banged up. Guess I better replace the CW with 1/2 HC in there sooner rather than later.

First loss like that in 2-3 years. But still, Crap!

Sorry bro. That's a bummer.
Went home to check on the little one. She was under the MHP by herself. Still head down. Still lethargic. She does something really odd also. She scoots backwards with her head on the floor of the brooder. I think she's trying to back up to the others even though they aren't there. Bought Nutridrench and Corrid. Gave her some of both with a syringe. She has eaten. There was food in her crop anyway. I realize it's just a chicken and things happen but I sure would hate to loose her. Something ironic about buying $30 worth of meds for a chicken that I gave $3.25 for a week ago. Did Corrid in the waterer for the rest of the babies just to be safe. Can't believe that I'm this upset over a sick chicken.
She might be trying to poop.
It's hard when they are suffering and you're not sure what, if anything, to do for them.
Went home to check on the little one. She was under the MHP by herself. Still head down. Still lethargic. She does something really odd also. She scoots backwards with her head on the floor of the brooder. I think she's trying to back up to the others even though they aren't there. Bought Nutridrench and Corrid. Gave her some of both with a syringe. She has eaten. There was food in her crop anyway. I realize it's just a chicken and things happen but I sure would hate to loose her. Something ironic about buying $30 worth of meds for a chicken that I gave $3.25 for a week ago. Did Corrid in the waterer for the rest of the babies just to be safe. Can't believe that I'm this upset over a sick chicken. :idunno  

Edit: Forgot to say that I'm pretty sure that I have never prayed for a chicken before today but I've checked that one off the bucket list now.

It's a living creature under your care...monetary value doesn't have to be the most important thing.

I think that she'll derive the most benefit from the Nutri-drench...this is starting to sound like one of those weird vitamin deficiencies.
So I went on a little shopping spree to get ready for chicks. To go along with my purple coop, I got purple mason jar attachments. :) A thermometer for the tank. And the all important heating pad. This is the right one correct? I got the most expensive one they
It's a living creature under your care...monetary value doesn't have to be the most important thing.

I think that she'll derive the most benefit from the Nutri-drench...this is starting to sound like one of those weird vitamin deficiencies.

Thank you and yes, she is under my care and I'd do anything to help her. It's just so odd to me. Yesterday everyone was running, jumping, trying to fly and generally going nuts. I made for sure that everyone was under the MHP when I went to bed since they went all stupid when we enlarged the brooder and then this morning this one little baby out by herself.
Thanks does stink....but livestock-deadstock.
Keep thinking if I had gone out 5 minutes earlier I might have got to it in time....but it might have freaked when I came out and broke it own neck anyway.
Knew the ruckus I heard was something different than the usual cacophony.
It's head was stuck in there pretty good...rules out predator I think, tho not sure why the adults ruckus....unless it was just reaction to the stuck chicks distress calls.
I'll mull it back and forth, then let it go...tomorrow must go out and replace CW with HC...chicks are confined to coop until that happens.

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