Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

That is not the issue. If you put her down in the border they come around her. When she was easting last night I had to keep shooing them away so she could eat in peace. They all slept together under the MHP just fine once the other finally decided to go to bed.

She drank a good amount of NutriDrench from s soaked Q tip this morning in 2 different sittings. She also ate a little bit of crumble moistened with NutriDrench. No real improvement in the condition but we are hopeful.

I'm glad they're not rejecting her. Weird after being used to the MHP they don't want to go back in there. I'm sure you'll find what's bugging them. Cooked eggs mashed w nutri drench are a good source of vits. as well if you'd like to try.
I went ahead and covered the whole thing. Different people on this thread have done different things apparently w good results. My HP sits on top of the 1/2 inch wire that covers the tomato cage. Then, the towel goes on top of HP. I did cover the tips of the cut wires with duct tape b/c they were still a bit sharp. The tape that got stuck to the chick was left on the roof of the cave by mistake. Chicks make sure they point out our mistakes

I will change the set up a bit today and place the HP on the inside of the cave secured w bungee cords. I think its better b/c the wire is getting too hot. I don't want them to be burned. So far, the HP is set at 6 and the chicks are still going under. No sign of being over heated, so I'm keeping the same setting.
I went ahead and covered the whole thing. Different people on this thread have done different things apparently w good results. My HP sits on top of the 1/2 inch wire that covers the tomato cage. Then, the towel goes on top of HP. I did cover the tips of the cut wires with duct tape b/c they were still a bit sharp. The tape that got stuck to the chick was left on the roof of the cave by mistake. Chicks make sure they point out our mistakes

I will change the set up a bit today and place the HP on the inside of the cave secured w bungee cords. I think its better b/c the wire is getting too hot. I don't want them to be burned. So far, the HP is set at 6 and the chicks are still going under. No sign of being over heated, so I'm keeping the same setting.
Switching things up and putting the heating pad on the inside, ala @Beekissed is a good idea, but don't worry about the wires burning the chicks. This is the first time I've ever done the pad on the inside, and I can tell you that after 3 batches of chicks (plus Scout) burned chicks was not ever an issue. It can get very warm but I promise, it won't burn them.
Thanks ...ya, I vent stuff out pretty quick, cover worst and best, then am over it.

Was gonna put up HC today bit it's raining, so chicks stay in the coop.
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Mine insist that they are Divas! They are completely SURE of it, and they are now demanding their own curtains in the coop! In fact, they want me to hire an Interior Decorator for them...complaining that their digs are too rustic! What next? Paint samples? IKEA?

And my Pomeranians are Fashion Accessories...:lau  

Switching things up and putting the heating pad on the inside, ala @Beekissed is a good idea, but don't worry about the wires burning the chicks. This is the first time I've ever done the pad on the inside, and I can tell you that after 3 batches of chicks (plus Scout) burned chicks was not ever an issue. It can get very warm but I promise, it won't burn them.

Thanks! That's a relief to know. I touched that wire and it felt so hot... I'm going to try the pad on the inside the same cause if beekissed and you switch the pad to inside the cave, so will I
Hello everyone,

I am so sad. I had to put down my Olive egger roo that I rescued on March 30. It had to be done. I had removed him from the other chicks in the hatch because they outgrew him complete. I put him in with the chicks that hatched on April 12, and they were bigger than he was on day 3. He had issues with pasty butt even though I tried to keep him clean, put corn meal in his food, and olive oli around his vent. DH was going to take care of it for me, but I gritted my teeth and decided that if I was going to have chickens and hatch chicks, I needed to do this myself. It has been 3 days, and it still bothers me because I think that he may have suffered. I've discovered that wringing a chicks neck is simple, but that they continue moving and cheeping. It was awful even though I know that it was the right thing to do.

I have since read on a culling forum that ether/starter fluid might be a better method. That is the little guy under the water bottle. He is the same age as the chicks on the left.

I sure could use a hug.

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