Mama hen on roosting pole left chicks


8 Years
Oct 8, 2015
So I have 2, bantam 5 week old chicks. They have been raised by a broody hen with all my other hens and roosters. Well tonight I went to check on them and the mom hen is on the roosting pole and left the chicks alone in the dog crate where they usally all sleep together. It was warm today but it gets in the 50’s at night but guess the coop is warmer. Tonight I think they are fine but the next few days are cooling down to 40’s at night 50’s during the day. What should I do. I don’t want to take them in the house since they are already accepted by all the other hens and roosters. But if I have to I will.
At 5 weeks they should be fine but you could lift them up onto the roost next to her and watch what happens. My broodies usually teach the chicks to roost before they wean them, but she may have decided that she is done with them and be aggressive towards them if they are near her. If you lift one and put it on the roost next to her and she starts pecking it, I would put it back in the box with the others. They will huddle together for warmth. As long as there are no draughts they will be fine even if the temperature drops. If she lets it snuggle under her on the roost, then lift the others up with her too.
Thanks for all the replies. They are part silkie so not sure if they can fly up to roost my full silkies cannot. And there are only 2 so I was not sure if 2 was enough to snuggle up and keep warm. The coop is draft free and I added some more straw in the box they sleep in. The mom doesn’t seem to be aggressive towards them when they are out together. They still hang out near her and eat. Guess I can try putting them on the pole and see what happens.

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