Mandarin Ducks

Duck Addict

Mar 14, 2015
I just newly joined BYC. I'm currently in the process of convincing my parents and older brother that ducks are a good (not just good, but GREAT) idea and would make a good and beneficial edition to our family. I'm still exploring all of the options, but I have a few quick questions on mandarins: If I keep them will they breed or what are the chances? If they do breed what could I do with the ducklings? Should I let their parents raise them or raise them in a brooder? I am open to doing whatever is more beneficial for the ducklings. Thank y'all in advance for any and all responses.
Ok, I have never obtained mandarin ducks, but I've heard they have a lot more needs and are more for show. So if your looking for something to be like a pet I recommend ducks like Pekins or my all time favorite ducks Ancona's
I am grateful for your input, but I feel I am most definitely willing to put forth the time and effort necessary to tame the beautiful fowl. Any further input on the subject shall be gravely appreciated, and thank you for your time.
Ok than I recommend to post a thread in the ornamental foul section. There will be more people expiernced with these breeds
I just newly joined BYC. I'm currently in the process of convincing my parents and older brother that ducks are a good (not just good, but GREAT) idea and would make a good and beneficial edition to our family. I'm still exploring all of the options, but I have a few quick questions on mandarins: If I keep them will they breed or what are the chances? If they do breed what could I do with the ducklings? Should I let their parents raise them or raise them in a brooder? I am open to doing whatever is more beneficial for the ducklings. Thank y'all in advance for any and all responses.
If they have a proper set up then the chances of breeding are extremely high.

I would personally allow the parents to raise the ducklings. Ornamental ducklings are harder to care for than domestic ducklings.

As for "taming" that would depend on your definition of tame. The chances of them being extremely tame are highly unlikely. However, you should be able to get to the point that they are more calm in your presence.

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