Mangum, OK law

Yeah, up to now every chicken ordinance I'd ever read only counted the coop for setback, and I can't remember a single one that actually required a seperate run or yard within YOUR yard, eg as long as your yard was fenced appropriately to keep them in, they could run around the whole yard if you wanted to let them.

Apparently this bit about having to keep the birds themselves away from property lines is an OK thing. I haven't seen it anywhere else.

I'm trying to get closer to my son, who lives in Lubbock. But TX in general and Lubbock in particular have really really high property tax that puts it out of reach for me. Lubbock raises property taxes every single year by reassessing your home to be worth more than you paid for it. You have to fight them every single year to keep them from doing that and you won't always be successful. So I'm trying to stay as close to the TX border as possible without being IN Texas.

Plus I'm sort of leery of being in Tx because they are notorious for abusing elderly people so they can steal whatever funds you have, and Lubbock is the capitol of that form of elder abuse. There are actually companies whose only business is getting random elderly people declared incompetent, they appoint themselves guardians, and then they rob them blind and leave them to starve after being rendered homeless. I'm not kidding. It's an actual industry. Various entities are trying to fix that, but I'm already operating at about 20 years past my calendar age so ... should something happen to my son I'd rather not be alone in a state where that could happen. I don't have much to steal but I would have a house with some equity.

I think the least restrictive ordinances were in Lawton (could be wrong, but somewhere further into the state anyway). But that adds an hour or 2 to the drive from Lubbock. My son wants me in Lubbock but unless and until they actually shut down the industry that legally steals assets from elderly people I don't care to live there.

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