Maran Assortment coming soon...Newbie needs help

Wow what a harrowing time it has been for the 3 of you with your Maran's incubation.

I have just put 6 in a bator this morning - French Wheaten Marans (the only type available here in Oz, very rare too) I have to say, that I am hoping for a more positive outcome than you all had. I said a prayer for each of my little brown babies as they went in. Cause it sounds like that's all I can do! Some things have to be left up to mother nature I guess.

It is the first time I have incubated and I know I didn't pick the easiest of breeds to start with. Apparently because of their very thick shell it can be harder for them to break out of, than white or tan shells. But of course if the egg isn't fertile to start with that's irrelevant.

This link is an interesting read on hatching Marans;

Better luck next time!
Ashem0: Come over to the May hatch, we can follow your incubation trials and tribulations there. I am sure my incubation experience was bad due to the fact the post service left my eggs out in -5 celsius for over 8 hours! I put 8 more in the incubator (Marans, Ameraucana, Welsummer and Barnevelder) and I only have 4 that are developing. Some are clear, 2 had blood rings. So I will keep my fingers crossed for your hatch for sure!!! Please post some pictures of your hatch!! BTW, the link was informative, thanks.
Thanks Cluck5! I think my brown babies will need all the positive vibes, thoughts, prayers they can get!!

I have joined the Hatch-a-long thread named Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else? and have posted some pics of the eggs so far. But will add more as we progress.

I fluked it with the arrival of my eggs from the postie - I was home on the day, so they got out of the cold immediately. And I knew they had only just been posted the day before so hopefully their journey was not too traumatic! (though still came from over a 1000ks away - the climate there is similar to ours).

Congrats on the survivor!

I have been following along on the thread as it coincided with my first incubation attempt of 18 BCMs eggs from my first flock.

Tomorrow is day 21 for me, but I've had 2 pip today and one of them hatched!

Not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight!

I was pretty blasé when building the incubator and setting the eggs... I mean, I like my chickens, but I'm not exactly a chicken nut...

... or I should say I wasn't then, but since the first time I saw movement while candeling I've turned into what my wife now calls: Mr. "Mother Hen".

I know 2 of the 18 were mid-term quiters, most of the rest I was able to candle to some degree with a strong Fenix tac light and they all kept pace through day 18... but some were too dark to see anything besides the air pocket.

Hoping for at least 12, but would be happy with even one healthy chick that prospers.

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Congrats on the survivor!

I have been following along on the thread as it coincided with my first incubation attempt of 18 BCMs eggs from my first flock.

Tomorrow is day 21 for me, but I've had 2 pip today and one of them hatched!

Not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight!

I was pretty blasé when building the incubator and setting the eggs... I mean, I like my chickens, but I'm not exactly a chicken nut...

... or I should say I wasn't then, but since the first time I saw movement while candeling I've turned into what my wife now calls: Mr. "Mother Hen".

I know 2 of the 18 were mid-term quiters, most of the rest I was able to candle to some degree with a strong Fenix tac light and they all kept pace through day 18... but some were too dark to see anything besides the air pocket.

Hoping for at least 12, but would be happy with even one healthy chick that prospers.

That's very exciting kallnojoy! How are they doing now? Any more peeps? Just out of curiosity, when did you last candle them? Is is safe to candle them between days 18-21? I'm worried mine might get their beaks redirected away from the air-pocket. And it is allot of work to get it back there! But then if they were under Mum, no doubt they'd be moved a bit and especially once their buddies start hatching and moving around.
A third baby peep emerged around 3:20 am! When should I take the chicks out of the incubator? I was thinking 24 hours, but aren't you supposed to keep the incubator locked down until the hatch is over? Seems conflicting! The first two are much bigger than the newborn. Will they hurt each other or the eggs?
they should be fine.....I left mine in for 24 hrs,...they say up to 48 hrs is ok. I would wait as long as possible....and then make it a qucik snatch and grab and close things back up.
I have my first pip so hopefully hatching will begin soon! I have Black Copper Marans (Wade Jeans) and Barnevelder eggs in the hatching incubator with today being their due date. The BCMs seem slightly ahead of the Barnies, though, since at least four were already pipped internally when I got them locked down (I had ducklings hatching so lockdown was delayed for a day). The first six are reserved and will hopefully be ready to go later today.

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