Maran Assortment coming soon...Newbie needs help

I had one pip and zip then die in the shell. It had absorbed the yolk so all it had to do was push out. I don't know if it got stuck but it was peeping so strong earlier and then when I checked again it was dead. It is so frustrating not knowing why it died. I hope the rest of the hatch goes better since I can't even see inside the eggs to know if there was movement. I could see this one had pipped internally when I moved it to the hatching incubator and it was peeping so strong that I expected it to hatch. The belly was a bit mushy but not discolored. It seems as though it was head down since its back was showing when I pulled off the cap and I had a hard time finding the head at first. I did a dry hatch and then increased humidity to 60% for hatching with the eggs on a wet papertowel so the incubator stays clean. I have been hatching ducklings so these are the first chicks I have incubated for many years. I always had good hatches in the past with little effort. I have lost some ducklings during successful hatches so I am trying to stay positive, I am just concerned nothing will hatch when I already have a dead chick.

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