Maran Roo Attacked my 3yr old

I know he was upset at the loss of her, he wouldnt stop pecking at her feathers on the ground then he would lay down and it looked like he was taking a dirt bath in her feathers. he'd get back up scratch the ground acouple times then roll around in them again. coud that have done it? Has anyone else ever had a rooster act this way when theyve lost a part of their flock?
Speaking of that is there anyway that this could be genetic?

im not sure i guess i will find out soon enough in what i see right now they are not acting like him at all. now that i look back pretty boy was agressive at the get go. i just didnt see it. ill be sure to tell you his offspring are 25 weeks old now and crowing and protecting the flock pretty good not as good as him but they are tring. ill keep you posted.

also i have never seen a roo do that he must have REALLY missed her that could have what started it i know pretty boy got more and more agressive with every hen he lost. we started with 20 last year and only 12 servived so he lost a lot from our DARN neighbors dogs.

EDIT what i mean by protecting thier girls is i have a very playful boxer who loves chacing the girls around.
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Yea he did... he was constantly around them. He'd lure them into the nesting boxes to lay and he'd groom the bedding. It was crazy
I think you writing this has just sealed my decision...I have been contemplating whether or not to get a rooster for my Cuckoo Marans. Thanks for sharing ur experience and I would sadly have done the same thing.
I love all of my Maran Roos Crazy4spurs in hindsight I should have culled him along time ago when he showed aggression to my brother and other times he challanged my father when he came over. The signs were there and at an earlier time. I should have been more realistic. Please don't let it detour you from getting a rooster they are lovely to have around but watch for any slight forms of aggression and its easy he was the only roo who if you went to shoo him off the porch would stand his ground and if I tried to shoo him with my foot( I never kicked him lol) he would stare my foot down and his hackle feathers would stand on end. This was a sure sign that he wasn't scared enough of me. But at the time it didn't seem like a big deal to me but he challenged me and I did nothing. I will never not have roosters. I'm a rooster lover. I shoulod have known better
Don't mess with mama's cubs! Good for you. I'm sure your daughter feels much safer knowing that mama will protect her like that.

Its true. When I got attacked by the american bulldog I spent 2weeks in the hospital had 2 ortho surgeries and 3 plastic surgery over time. And she never saw him get put down. And she will hear a dog bark somwhere and say its TUG the dog who bite me. But now she just keeps saying "thanks for making him go away, I'm not scared" so maybe it was a good thing.
A toddler being a toddler is most likely why he attacked her. Kids that age make jerky, sudden movements that make roosters nervous. NO small children should ever be allowed around a rooster because of that--he is the right size in relation to hers to take out her eyes. I keep telling folks this and we always see the same posts about very small children attacked by roosters. Even roosters who are calm around adults can react aggressively toward kids because of the way kids move. It's not unusual. I have very sweet, calm, easy to handle roosters, but I never allow kids under 8 to be near them without a fence between or an adult standing immediately at the child's side. An older child can handle a rooster, but a shorter one can be blinded easily.

A rooster is like a stallion or a bull but in a smaller, more agile package. Even kids yelling and playing at a neighbor's about 300 ft away and through the trees makes my rooster jumpy.

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