Marans; boy or girl?


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Granite Falls, WA
I bought these two birds from a local feed store who hatched them from a local breeder. They were sold as French Copper Marans but they might have said they were Barnvelder/Maran crosses (I can't remember). I'm really only concerned with whether they'll lay me eggs or not!

They were hatched around March 2 which would put them at about 6 weeks. I have my suspicions but since I've never had this breed before and haven't ever even had a rooster I figured I'd better ask those who know more than me. So, what are you opinions? Do I name one or both of them "Stew" or can I expect some eggs?



Thank you!
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Well the one with the big red comb has Stew written all over him lol, the other one tho it might still be a too, as it has a kind of a big comb too for such a young age. Just wait a little longer for the second one.
Thank you. I was pretty sure he was "stew" but the other one I'm up in the air about. I'm SO hoping it's a girl! If not I guess we'll call them Chicken & Dumplings.
(based only on my experience with the few non ER/ER Black Copper Marans I've here)

Okay, if they came from a Black Copper Marans X Black Copper Marans, then they are both males because properly colored hens feather out almost complete black except for the head and neck. Of course, the standing fellow is colored incorrectly being not pure ER/ER, which gives him the extra red feathers on the chest.

I may not be able to see the chest of the bird lying down, but any BCM female (colored correctly or not) will not have that much red on the back at 6 weeks.

I have no experience with Barnvelders and how they feather out.

As for combs alone, not looking at the feathers, the lying down bird looks female even with the shape (not just size) of the comb. Also the demeanor of the lying down bird may indicate a female.

Let's hope they're a Barnvelder cross. Because if they are, you've got a decent chance of a few eggs from that lower bird.

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