Marans Project Lemon Blue Genetics!!!!


Sep 24, 2009
East TN
i know you need a brown red to produce this cross but if i cross a blue copper to this guy will it keep producing this lemon color in my marans project? hes is not sun bleached but a cross between a lemon blue cochin hen with poor leg feathering and a clean legged splash copper marans rooster! this is the product has had this golden yellow color since he was 5 weeks old. any of you genectics guys have any info about how to keep producing this color.
Thanks James


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i wish people would post some info! why just look at something and not post anything, ideas are welcome geez!
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Hi, I don't know anyone else who it working on that color combination in Marans yet. I am not all that familiar with the lemon blues genetics but the cochin lemon blues I have seen are really gorgeous. Are you looking for genetic information on lemon blues? There is a lemon blue cochin thread somewhere on byc that might have more info you could use. One thing that will be a challege for you will be to get the extra feathering off thier middle toes. Some of the Marans already have that problem and the cochins have heavier feathering than the marans do. Other than that and they are super cuddly I don't know that much about cochins LOL!
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thanks for your imput! my boy doesnt have any feathering on his middle toe i plan on breading him to a blue copper hen! hes is amazing and huge looks just like a marans, eye color, shank color and everything... i just have to work on egg color!
a Black Copper Maran is based on E^R, ad blue to them and you have Blue Copper Maran, BUT they seem to have a red enhancer of some so, they don't quite look like a lemon blue...
if he wants Lemon Blue Marans he need to get rid of that gene...
the color your boy is showing is NOT Lemon Blue.

he seems to be what some call "Rusty Blue" what is a Rusty blue? the best Blue birds are based on Silver(all colored blues) why? because sometimes some Blues based on Gold lose some "undocumented as of yet" melanizers and pheomelanin(Red pigment) shows thru, where it should never do.

here are a few examples of "Rusty" Blue

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I dont have much experience with the color lemon blue but I do know it is birchen with gold instead of red. I remember hearing an OEGB breeder way back when I first started tell me to cross a blue birchen cock to brown red hens to get a start on lemon blue. It might be a start.
then you are talking about a "Golden"(S/s+) Blue Maran and Not the true Breeding on hens(at least for the lemon color) Lemon Blue color..

here let me quote my self

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if i cross that light rusty color to my blue copper is there by any chance it will have a lemon color so the copper wont be so red and the rust wont be so golden its starting to brighten up now that has a little older ? he has the same patteren as any copper but it isnt dark enough but if i add the yello to the red shouldnt the babies be orange like it should be?

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