Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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My pip is starting to zip!!
May have another one starting to pip too!
Debbie~ I completely understand what you are saying.

Spending many years breeding and showing rabbits, I can tell you it's the same thing. You can take the best of the best and breed them and still end up with crap for offspring.

My goal is to do the best I can do with my own flock. When I cull they go right into my freezer. I don't sell them. If they are not good enough for me to use for breeding then why would I sell them to someone else that wants to use them to breed? I do feel that those who are using the BCMs to make a quick buck are hurting the breed badly by breeding willy nilly to sell as many eggs as possible without regard to how the birds look.

Am I happy to sell hatching eggs? Yes, it helps to offset feed costs and I am able to continue hatching because of it. When I do sell, just like Wynette, I disclose how my birds look and what I am working on with them. I don't try to sugarcoat them to make more money. That's not why I am raising them. I am doing this because I have a true love for the breed. So much so that by this time next year they will be the only breed I own. I will have 3 separate coops devoted solely to BCMs.

Also with all animals you have to be careful with straight line breeding year, after year, after year without adding new blood. Doing so can cause rare and recessive defects to show up. At the same time you need to be very picky when adding new blood. The bottom line is to research as much as possible and if one is not serious about perfecting the breed to the best of their ability then they should not be breeding and selling. I look at it no differently than puppy mills!
I agree with you!

I can't equate breeding chickens the same as puppy mills. At least with chickens you can eat your culls. And I would think most hens in this world today are used as layer flocks, to produce eggs for families.

I really don't have a problem with people breeding chickens, of any breed, who arent choosy about using the absolute best stock that can be had. Because, after all, they are chickens. Chickens, for the most part, that will be used for food. Fortunately, there are breeders who are breeding to improve the breed, but if someone wants to breed chickens just to breed chickens, thats okay too. I don't think we're ever in danger of an over-population of chickens.

If people want to get serious about breeding show stock, then its their responsibility to learn as much about their chosen breed as they can, before buying breeding stock. By the same token, if someone wants to take their McMurray chicks, grow them up, breed and sell them, good for them. There will be people very happy to buy those chicks too, so they can have their own laying flock. I just don't think its a big issue if anyone wants to breed their chickens, whether expensive show stock, hatchery stock, or a mixed breed.
Very well spoken Debbi - I agree completely. I'm wondering what it's all about myself - money, status???? Why is there so much back-stabbing and butt kissing going on? As you observed, there are a few folk who seem to want to control the "market". "They" are pushing to have the APA accept a standard, that "they" are writing, modifying and changing and which happens to only apply to their birds. "They" are very quick to criticize the birds of anyone outside of their little group. Just look at how quick they are to criticize my entire flock. The APA said they wanted to see consistency. And that's what's missing or everyone wouldn't be having to "cull, cull, cull". If they are breeding from their own flock, why are they having to kill off a few hundred to get the one? Why is that they are having to "work so hard." To me, that would say the "one" is not the standard and shouldn't be what everyone aims for. Definition of standard implies that more birds meet the criteria than not.

I agree Debbi - APA approval should be a few years down the road and when it is granted, it should be attainable by many, not few - (chickens and breeders).
You are right, halo. Chickens of any quality can be used for meat or eggs.

What I disagree with is when breeders (or hobbyists, or whatever), advertise lies or inaccuate statements, to sell hatching eggs. Sadly, that happens alot with this breed. I just hate it when people get screwed over buying eggs.
I agree with you!

Y'all sure do take chickens seriously.

So, let me ask you two since you made the statement. Anyone that raises Barred Rocks or Rhode Island Reds or White Leghorns either needs to be trying to perfect the breed and create that one "perfect, but doesn't exist yet" bird, or not raise/sell them at all? Or are Marans just somehow different? Silly me, I thought people primarily raised chickens for eggs and meat.

Let me also ask this because I really want to understand how some of you think. Let's say you finally get the Blue Ribbon - after years and years and killing off thousands of "defects" and haulling chickens around to show, your bird wins the show. What does that mean? Are you now going to sell the eggs and chicks and make a fortune and retire to the Bahamas?
It is that way with any breed .... hatch a hundred or more to get just a few keepers. That is nothing unique with this breed. Cull does not mean to kill needlessly. Chicken is for eating, as well. They do not need to go to waste. It is very hard work to keep top quality birds, of any breed. It takes alot of time, money, and alot of culling. For example, my Delaware rooster that I think is excellent, took me many many hatches of roosters to get. He is the one I use for breeding. That does not mean all of his chicks will be excellent, but they will have better genes.
Debbi, The reason for show type people wanting to get the Marans recognised by the APA is so when we show our Fowl we will be able to win more than a Best of Breed. The way it is now you can not go up on Champion Row and go for Best In Show.

The MCC is the sponsering Group as far as getting the APA to approve the Marans, and that is the way it should be since they have gone to the expense and work to get all the show results to turn in to APA. There is no little click as you say as anyone can join the group and have a say in how the standards are drawn up for approval. If you want a voice in club matters pay your membership and go to work. Don
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