Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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gvntofly05 , well said, and I agree. Good on you for not passing on the culls. Yes, and it is just chickens Halo, but it is very much like puppy mills. When a newbie sees "rare breed" then sees someone on Craig's list for example, selling them, that will be the first place he'll head. I've learned enough to seek out breeders and forums such as this that are a fount of great info, unfortunately, Joe Newbie may not. So he buys his rare breed chickens, breeds them in hopes to make a killing as the Craig's list guy told him he would, pays out the nose for some carp quality birds, and passes them on to the next sucker who does the same thing. All the time, the ones suffering are the ones who are actually trying to preserve and establish the breed, and do the best job they can towards reaching the SOP. Got my freezer up and running, for the culls I KNOW will come, some of whom are already here! LOL. Speaking of which, I just took them out to play with and check over, and they are all starting to get copper feathers on their heads and necks. Shank/toe feathers are thickening up on two, one is sparse, and one still has none. I believe they are now 3 pullets and one roo.

Kathy, was that
for me?? If it was, please feel free to speak your mind, (not that I think you'd be afraid to!), I have a thick shell!

Still, the question remains; why the rush to get the APA approval? I know it may not be a rush to the breeders that have done this for some time now, but why is it being pushed so hard? Are there certain perks I am not aware of by being APA approved?? A newbie wants to learn..
I agree with you!

Y'all sure do take chickens seriously.

So, let me ask you two since you made the statement. Anyone that raises Barred Rocks or Rhode Island Reds or White Leghorns either needs to be trying to perfect the breed and create that one "perfect, but doesn't exist yet" bird, or not raise/sell them at all? Or are Marans just somehow different? Silly me, I thought people primarily raised chickens for eggs and meat.

Let me also ask this because I really want to understand how some of you think. Let's say you finally get the Blue Ribbon - after years and years and killing off thousands of "defects" and haulling chickens around to show, your bird wins the show. What does that mean? Are you now going to sell the eggs and chicks and make a fortune and retire to the Bahamas?

Some people raise chickens for meat and eggs, yes. Other people raise them to show, primarily. Winning a blue ribbon in anything shows an accomplishment to be proud of.

"after years and years and killing off thousands of "defects" Those are simply meat for the freezer. Nothing wrong with that.
Great debate guys. It's nice to see this topic discussed finally. I'm sure many "newbies" want to know. Inquiring minds want to know.
I agree with you!

Y'all sure do take chickens seriously.

So, let me ask you two since you made the statement. Anyone that raises Barred Rocks or Rhode Island Reds or White Leghorns either needs to be trying to perfect the breed and create that one "perfect, but doesn't exist yet" bird, or not raise/sell them at all? Or are Marans just somehow different? Silly me, I thought people primarily raised chickens for eggs and meat.

Let me also ask this because I really want to understand how some of you think. Let's say you finally get the Blue Ribbon - after years and years and killing off thousands of "defects" and haulling chickens around to show, your bird wins the show. What does that mean? Are you now going to sell the eggs and chicks and make a fortune and retire to the Bahamas?

The Standard of Perfection is a standard drawn up so that we can have a goal to shoot for in our breeding program. Nobody says that a bird has to be to the Standard of Perfection to be showed. Most shows in the USA use the comparison method when judging fowl meaning you are judged against what is entered in the show.

I will say this and that is if you sell a product that is inferior the news travels fast. Don

I believe u are right Kathinmo Is it not SOP??? Standard of what??? not standard of yardbird...he he... Lots of ppl have backyard dogs also...not even useful for eggs and meat... Pekeneses yield little of either,,he he... this thread has many ppl wanting an SOP so they can parade their birds... Breed em, Eat em, do what you like..............................................................................................................................................................

Even help get an SOP. Everyone has to have a hobby... This beats collecting toilet brushes!!!! ha ha....
Yes! I do believe wether you are breeding RIR or Polish or BCM, you should always try to breed the best you can! Either for the egg production or meat, or to win those blue ribbons and to hopefully pass on better genes to the next generation. Not all people are "breeders". The term "breeder" to me is someone who actually cares for, and wants to IMPROVE the breed, with the SOP always in mind. Costs just as much to feed and house a fine flock as it does a crappy one. JMHO
Don, you are absolutely right on the judging, and it is wrong! The judges are supposed to go with the SOP, and not judge against the other birds in the ring. We had one dog show judge that would do just that, and refuse to award ANY ribbons to the dogs in the ring at all! Needless to say, there was an audible gasp and a lot of bad talk, but the judge was correct in his thinking. Everything that was in that ring sucked, and was nowhere near the standard. He did the right thing, wish more judges had the qualooms to do the same!
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