March 13th 2016 Hatch-A-long

we candeled today too. Of 40 eggs we had 3 blood rings and 2 possible clears. Left the clears in just in case. Day 7 isn't actually until tomorrow but we are pretty busy tomorrow and it's gonna be nice tomorrow and Sunday so we went ahead and did them today. Now we wait another week. I think day 14 is the neatest day to candle. You can really see them dancing around in there. The kids love it.
I can't wait to candle on day 14. Or any day really, but I always find days 10-14 really interesting, because I think you can see the most during those days.
We just candled our 33 eggs on day 7. 3 eggs looked bad, so got rid of them. 15 looked good and 15 we will see what they look like on day 14. Good luck everyone.

I was just offered more Bielefelder eggs!!.....but I need more chickens like a hole in the head.......and my incubator is already on day 5. I keep telling myself "just say NO," but I also don't always listen to myself. LOL

Of course I usually set up my coolerbator as a hatcher, so I could deal with a staggered hatch..... Perhaps if I leave some eggs in the coop I'll get a broody volunteer. Then it won't be MY fault if a hen hatches them. My bantam Orp, Cookie, already has the broody reputation. She went broody 5xs last year & already had a case of unauthorized incubation resulting in 7 chicks. She would make the perfect patsy.

Day5 was today so I peeked at a few eggs. Cookie & Trouble's bantam eggs looked clear. My Orp roos are full-sized so I guess I wasn't really expecting them to be fertile. I saw possible veins in a few of the lighter colored shells, but most eggs are brown. I just couldn't tell yet. I'll have to wait a few more days & then do a full candling.
Mine are due to hatch on March 5th, so I guess I'm a week early. When I candled there are were a lot of infertile eggs (inexperienced roosters) so I have 34 eggs left. All of them are Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers. I'm hoping to sell them all before Easter
or maybe give a couple to my broody hen.
Hi. I just set eggs. I'm behind on this HAL but too early for the easter HAL. Can I just hang here? I set 3 dozen eggs. 2 dozen leghorns and 4 RIRs, 3 easter eggers, 3 Black Austrolorps and 2 barnyard mix (blue Andalusian roo over Wyandotte or something). I love candling the leghorns, I hope to get some really good pics this time. Two of the eggs have a tiny dent I am not sure if I should toss? It's like a hen pecked it. Happy hatching

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