March hatch along

Ok so I will be setting 200+ eggs tomorrow 150 or so chicken eggs and 60 quail eggs going to have to do some egg shuffeling in the incubator tonight or fire up my second cabinet incubator. this will be my first time with quail. I currently do all my lock downs in my styro bators but may not have enough room there is about a 120 egg capacity in them I guess it will depend on what makes it to lock down time will tell.
Wow! Thats pretty ambitious...
How long is it usually between internal and external pip for chicks? Ducks take forever between every stage, maybe I'm assuming incorrectly that chicks do too.
I never checked for internal pips but am guessing it would be quicker. Any updates on the progress?
Here was what I had to leave this morning just to go to work
. I can't wait to get home!!

Man, what a looooooooooong work day!!!!!! lol lol lol
Awwww you guys must be going crazy you guys that are gone while babies arrive. At least there won't be temptation to "help" like I do sometimes lol
I never checked for internal pips but am guessing it would be quicker. Any updates on the progress?
I could_not_WAIT. To get home from work and squeal with delight at all the action in my bator!!! :D


I'm just so ill over it too, LMBO!! Ugh..... Day 21.
I love this thread! The pictures are just great!

As for me, I've removed one blood ring since I last posted. I started with 20 eggs, 2 blood rings, one stinker and 6 infertile.
One of my good eggs has cracked on the top, from where the aquarium thermometer fell on it. Last I checked it, it was making good progress, but I haven't candle it in a while...hoping it makes it, and I'll keep that one and name it crack baby. Praying the remaining twelve make it. There was one that was a slow starter, but I moved it to a warmer part of the incubator, so I'm hoping it will make it, just take a little longer. All 11 that I candle had movement, so I'm hopeful! Now if only there were a way to sex silkies!
I could_not_WAIT. To get home from work and squeal with delight at all the action in my bator!!! :D


I'm just so ill over it too, LMBO!! Ugh..... Day 21.
I cant remember how many eggs went into lockdown? When did you last candle? And what did you see? Finally how has your humidity been during lockdown? If everything has been fine just hang in there! No reason to think it wont happen. I've got my fingers and toes crossed.
I don't do a true "lockdown".. And I don't measure humidity.. You may remember, I disclaimed myself (I believe I did anyway lol) on this and the fact that I've hatched many a duck under this same practice with no troubles and since ducks require such great humidity and chickens are "supposedly" easier than ducks, I figured I'd just stick to my ways. I do realize I could get burned on this an end up with no chickens and a lesson learned, lol. ;)

So. That being said, I candled when I got home. Everyone still moving and looking good. No internal pips. Trays are all full in the LG.. I usually wait with ducks until I see an internal pip before I really lay it on thick with the humidity. Then at that point I add wet whatever I can find until my windows fog, and THEN leave the bator shut. :idunno
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