March hatch along

I will say, I have my suspicions that my temp has been a wee bit LOW the last few days.. Been running 99.5 at top of the eggs but I haven't wanted to jack it up accidentally at such a critical time, as I've never been home (awake anyway) for long enough intervals to keep a close eye on temp after adjusting. So I've just let it ride at 99.5.

Since I'm home now for the weekend I am adjusting up..
One last post.. Suggestions are, of course, welcome. :)
I think your plan is fine.... I would probably avoid messing with the temp at this point. 99.5 is more than adequate at this stage of the game. Just leave them be and have a glass of wine to calm your nerves!
I think your plan is fine.... I would probably avoid messing with the temp at this point. 99.5 is more than adequate at this stage of the game. Just leave them be and have a glass of wine to calm your nerves!
Awesome, thanks!

I'm sure I over-explained myself on lockdown, lol, but I also know some folks get awful touchy about it too! ;)

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