March hatch along

I went and borrowed my sister-in-laws incubator, so that I don't run into the same issues with this hatch.

And I have to say, that I am so proud of my daughter, she has been nursing and made a brace for the chick that has the protruding hip. She asked where I got my chicken info and what I was doing on the computer, and I told her BYC. She said can I join? I may need some help with chick.
I'll take a shot, just for fun. I'd say 2+ weeks, judging by the larger air cell and lack of clear space.

Is this a test? ;)
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30 went into lock down, 8 fuzzy fluffy bald chicks in the brooder, 8 weak formerly shrink wrapped chicks in icu in the bator, 14 dead, most but not all do to shrink wrapping, most never internal pipped, couple of late quitters. I had to be gone all day, but really of the 14 dead only maybe 4 could have been helped if I had been home. Not sure if the 8 in the bator are strong enough to make it after the long shrink wrapping.
These aren't all of them, and I'll get better pics tomorrow, these aren't very good, I was exhausted and had to try and corral them myself while taking the pics.

^^pretty babies!!^^

Woke up this morning to:

-No pip from the Brahma egg that's still making a fuss in there. (Left it alone)

-A WRONG-END pip from one of the Marans :barnie

(Didn't do anything to it except complete the pip by piercing the membrane and dampening it.. Baby is still active)

-no change in the AM egg that was internally pipped, so I tried to make a "safe hole".. Ended up making a safe abyss instead :lau ...

I was worried it might be shrink wrapped, I have no idea whether it was, saw a little blood so I quickly put it back next to a soaking wet rag.. Re-wet everything, taped bator back shut.

Holy moly. If I haven't made a mockery of this hatch, I don't know what! :barnie :p

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