MAREK'S Disease ??

first off if we are talking normally hatched chicks NOT WITH A HEN
then the chickens can and do get mareks as they are vaccnated at one day old

as for the apple sauce it tends to give the birds a taste and smell of something good to eat the wet mash probiotic

as for mareks here is a very good article by Dr Peter Brown of first state vet supply


By: Peter J. Brown, First State Veterinary Supply, Inc.

Actually they are one in the same. Range Paralysis is an older term that was used before it was understood exactly what caused this disease. Birds that were ranged on open range and became lame were said to have Range Paralysis. Today the modern term for this disease is Mareks Disease. Mareks,was first described in 1907 by Dr. Marek who was a Hungarian researcher. Thus the name Mareks disease. So,just what is Mareks Disease ? It is a highly contaigous Avian Herpes Virus that is highly Cell Associated. This means that the Virus must be inside a Cell of the bird in order to spread. Mareks Disease must be differentiated between Avian Leukosis Complex,which is made up of three separate diseases. Those Diseases are,Mareks Disease,Lymphoid Leukosis and Reticuloendotheliosis Virus. The last two diseases are caused by Retroviruses and Reticuloendotheliosis Virus is rare in Poultry. What Mareks Disease really boils down to is Chicken Cancer. It is a virus that causes skin lesions as well as lesions of the Visceral ( gut ) organs. It is a Tumor forming Virus.

How does Mareks Disease spread ? The mechanism by which Mareks Disease spreads from bird to bird is quite complicated. So,I will tell you that it spreads through the infected birds feather follicles and is in the dander that comes from the birds feathers. The spread to other tissues in the birds body can onlty take place through the blood stream. The virus must infect white blood cells and travel about inside them in order to infect other tissues. The Mareks Disease virus is related to the Epstein-Barr virus that causes Hodgkins disease in humans. However the Mareks Disease virus poses no threat as it is incapable of growing in mammalian cells.

So what organs are affected by the Mareks Virus ? Generally the virus will attack the nervous systemas well as other body organs such as the eye. You may see a crippiling of the birds or a discoloration of the iris in the eye. The virulence ( strength ) of the particular virus affecting your birds will usually determine the severity of the disease. The discoloration in the iris of the eye has led to the term Gray Eye. You may only see a reddening of the tissue around the feather follicle,this tissue may be raised around the base of the feather shaft and is generally called skin Leukosis but it is actually caused by Mareks Disease. The spread of the virus to the periphial nerves usually results in the enlargement of the nerves which will eventually lead to paralysis of the affected limb or organ. The spread of the virus to the birds eye may result in blindness as well as depigmentation of the iris of the eye.

Can older birds be vaccinated for Mareks Disease ? The answer to this question is ,yes. The age of the bird really does not matter as long as the bird has not been exposed to the Mareks Virus prior to vaccination. If a bird that has not been vaccinated for Mareks Disease comes down with the obvious symptoms of Mareks it may be of value to vaccinate anyway. There is some research to show that some birds may recover after vaccination. This would possibly work on birds whether or not they were vaccinated before. Some research has suggested that re-vaccination 4 to 6 weeks after the initial vaccination was of value in preventing new cases of Mareks disease in high risk areas. It is important to keep in mind that birds that have been infected are shedding this virus at a very heavy rate from their follicles and it would be of value to keep feathers about your coop cleaned up. Regular spraying with oxine will go a long way in keeping this disease as well as other diseases under control.

Concerning the use of bleach as a disinfectant: go ahead and use it if you so desire but be aware that to my knowledge there are no studies to show the effectiveness of bleach against any disease organism. Oxine has reams of test data against a wide range of Pathogens and is designed to be used specifically for disinfection purposes. Consider this: during the anthrax scare of a few years ago, The Hart Senate Office Building in Washington,D.C. was heavily contaminated with Anthrax. The disinfectant of choice (although it was used in its Gaseous Form) was Oxine. I don’t recall them using bleach as an alternative. Remember that you get what you pay for . My Dad once told me that if you want good clean quality Oats that they come at a price,and that if you want the Oats after they come through the horse they come a bit cheaper. Nuf said.

I thought it would be of value to walk you through the Mareks Disease infection from start to finish from the birds perspective. This way you might get a better understanding of just what is going on during an active outbreak of the disease. Infection usually takes place as the birds inhale the Mareks Virus and it sets up shop in the respiratory system. Witnin five days the Mareks Virus will invade White blood Cells in the Respiratory System and be carried to the Spleen,Bursa and the Thymus. The Virus likes to grow in White Blood Cells and starts growing in B-cells and starts to infect and kill off B-cells in the Spleen,Bursa and the Thymus. The Mareks virus is now killing so many B-cells that the Immune System begins to react to the Virus Infection. Many T-cells are generated by the Immune response.

These activated T-cells can be susceptible to a latent infection by the Mareks Virus. These infected T-cells may eventually become active Mareks Disease Tumor Cells. The Immune System mounts a measurable Antibody response but a temporary Immune Suppression also occurs as well. Keep in mind that all of this is taking place in a very short period of time. Usually within one weeks time. The Virus now spreads throughout the blood stream through the infected White Blood Cells. The Mareks Virus will spread to various other organs at this time as well as the feather follicle epithelial ( surface ) cells where the Virus will divide and form cell free extremely infectious Virus Particles. The birds then shed the Virus from their bodies in the form of dander. This dander is highly infective and when susceptible birds breathe in the Virus particles contained in the dander,infection will take place as earlier described.

Within two weeks post infection a permanent Immune Suppression takes place that affects both the B-cells and the T-cells. Approximately five weeks after infection takes place the Mareks Virus has sufficiently infiltrated vital organs and nerves that paralysis soon occurs. Birds may become listless and show a paralysis of one wing or drag a leg behind them. Some birds may only show a weakness of the legs or both wings. Starting at about six weeks post infection birds will start to form Tumors due to the infected T-cells starting to multiply and are now transformed into Cancer Cells. They are also responsible for Atherosclerosis or Hardening of the Arteries. Tumors may affect any of the organs of the body and the degree of Tumor formation will depend upon the Virulence (strength) of the infecting Virus.

Vaccinating for Mareks with the Mareks vaccine : Vaccination should take place as close to one day of age if at all possible,but may be done at any age as earlier discussed. Mareks vaccine is unique in that it does not stop a bird from becoming infected with the virus,but it stops the formation of the Tumors that are caused by the Mareks virus. Birds that are newly vaccinated should not be exposed to adult birds for at least fourteen days to allow the vaccine to take hold.

The vaccine comes as a two part vaccine. One bottle contains a small freeze dried wafer which is the actual vaccine. This is a Live Virus vaccine and can not be saved once it is mixed. Once mixed the life of the vaccine is approximately two to two and one half hours. The second part of the vaccine is a bottle of diluent which is 200 cc/ml of extender. It is not just water but a broth so to speak of special growth media for the Vaccine Virus to survive on during mixing and vaccination. I would suggest to you that you split the vaccine into four equal parts so that you may get four uses out of one bottle of vaccine. Cut the small vaccine wafer into quarters as best as you can.Use care not to contaminate the Mareks Diluent. Never actually open the bottle but use a clean needle and work through the rubber stopper and draw what you need from that. Always check the Diluent bottle for contamination before using: cloudiness or something growing in the bottle.

If the Diluent is contaminated or you are unsure discard the bottle and get a fresh bottle of Diluent before proceeding. Take the large Diluent bottle and transfer 50 cc/ml into a clean baby food jar or similar glass bottle. This bottle must be glass. Now take the 1/4 vaccine wafer and mix with the 50 cc/ml of Diluent in the baby food jar and you are ready to vaccinate. Remember to immediately put the remaining Diluent and the small bottle of Vaccine back in the refrigerator. You are now ready to administer the Vaccine. The dose is .2 cc 2/10 cc under the skin of the neck of each bird.Remember to keep track of time so that you don’t use Vaccine that is to old. Putting the mixed vaccine bottle in an ice bath will have some value in preserving the life of the mixed vaccine.


GLH hope this helps with the mareks vaccine question
any other questions just email me
Just wanted to check. They have been feeding chick feed and not adult feed or something else have they. It just seems we have had a flurry of people with similar problems and they were not feeding their chicks the right food. It's a thought!
basically mareks is caused by some great shock to the system
such as high heat or low cold temps or some animal attacking the flock
so may be they got the mareks from some thing like that

(1 The Virus now spreads throughout the blood stream through the infected White Blood Cells. The Mareks Virus will spread to various other organs at this time as well as the feather follicle epithelial ( surface ) cells where the Virus will divide and form cell free extremely infectious Virus Particles. The birds then shed the Virus from their bodies in the form of dander. This dander is highly infective and when susceptible birds breathe in the Virus particles contained in the dander,infection will take place as earlier described.

(2 It is important to keep in mind that birds that have been infected are shedding this virus at a very heavy rate from their follicles and it would be of value to keep feathers about your coop cleaned up.
Regular spraying with oxine will go a long way in keeping this disease as well as other diseases under control

oxine can be got from
first state vet supply

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any questions email me
This is good info Glenda.

I heard that if you buy chicks vaccinated for Merek's and put them on antibiotics right away it will basically make the vaccine Null and Void. In the last 2 years I think I have had 3-4 cases maybe. Most of my chicks were vaccinated, only because it cost pennies if you order from hatchery, but maybe I gave them medicated feed at some point. Not sure.

Anyway, my chicks were affected at about 3-4 months old. They just became paralyzed on one side. I thought of stroke, but this was in the Fall and it was not hot, and they were too little to be aggressive, so stroke seemed unlikely. They still seemed "aware", just incapable of controlling movement. At any rate, it did not spread. But they were seperated immediately and I sprayed down with bleach.

I did not get those chicks to the lab for analysis, but talked to the chicken vet later and he said that in the old days, high numbers, got Mereks while others were not affected. That in time, you could "breed out" the disease to a point, because whatever genetics allowed the bird to catch it, simply died with the bird and survivors passed on their surviorability to their chicks, for the most part. Then, in the last few years, hatcheries had vaccines and chickens that would have otherwise died out, live on and the genetics are out there to bring Mereks back....but lately, chicks are not vaccinated because the disease has seemed to go away. At least, the hatcheries I ordered from never even mentioned it....I just happened to see on the website that for pennies they would vaccinate and at the time, it seemed like a good idea. I don't want to mislead anyone, this is just the way it was explained to me, and I am not expert on it.

I have hatched lots of chicks this year, and nothing resembling Mereks yet...but, I have a friend who thinks she may have a case of Merek's disease right now, and from her discription it sounds likely. She has lost several nice chicks. So, keep us posted, or email me, and let me know what you find out.

It pobably is as he states
yet the medicated feed was medicated with amproylium not a anti biotic
but be ware mana pro does sell a chick feed medicated with one of the mycin drugs
so do read the feed tags

USE BIOSECUTIRY for the health of yours and others birds

if your friend has mareks PLEASE DON'T LET HER COME ON THE PLACE

as you both can carry the dander on your clothes and shoes

also be sure and buy oxine as it is the best spray for disinfecting
it costs a little more but is woth it

any questions email me
MD is a virus, antibiotics have no affect on viruses. Feeding medicated feed to MD vaccinated chicks is just dandy fine.

Yup, you can breed for resistance. Birds with blood type B are immune. The other method of control is to simply keep your birds' immunity strong. MD is opportunistic, striking when the immune system is weak. Keep your birds stress free and boost immunity and you'll keep it under control.
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Wow! Reading a few of these threads, there is so much blatantly incorrect information.

As far as the statement that the earliest age a bird gets Marek's is six months,

That is absolutely 100% wrong.

Chicks are generally immune to Marek's by the time they are 5-6 months old. That is very well documented in literally almost all literature you will find about Marek's. This is an illness of chicks and young birds. By the time the birds are getting upwards of six months old, they have developed what is in relation to Marek's known as "age resistance".

The statement that the youngest birds get Marek's is six months is just ludicrous. Do the research people! Don't just take what someone tells you on an internet board as fact. They may not know what they are talking about.
Every veterinarian and published book I've read says otherwise. Not arguing, just saying there's clearly a conflict of info here. I lose birds around a 8 months-1 year of age, that's my personal experience.
Then your birds are most likely not dying of Marek’s. I don’t know where exactly you are getting your information, but Marek’s is almost always an illness of birds under six months of age (usually even under five months). Most losses occur before this time. Exposed birds begin developing resistance at about eight to twelve weeks of age and continue to do so over several weeks. This is why it is recommended to keep youngsters separated from adults. Losses can occur in older birds (in at least one study, older birds were artificially exposed to a highly virulent strain and losses occured).

Under normal circumstances though, losses in birds over six months of age are extremely rare. If you have scholarly information that contradicts all of the following including UC-Davis and the Merck Veterinary Manual, please post it.

“MD commonly affects pullets between 12-24 weeks of age, but can infect broilers as early as 6 weeks of age”. (, Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Purdue Campus)

“Marek’s disease is most prevalent in young flocks. If non-vaccinated chicks are purchased or raised, the disease can become a serious problem by the time birds are 10 to 12 weeks old.” (, University of California, Davis Campus)

“MD commonly appears in 3- to 4-week-old chickens and gradually builds to a peak between 12 and 30 weeks of age”. (, Journal of Virology)

“Marek’s disease can develop in chickens as young as 3 wk of age, whereas lymphoid leukosis typically is seen in chickens >14 wk of age.” (, Merck Veterinary Manual)

“Chicks become infected at an early age, whilst the disease normally manifests itself at 8-24 weeks”. (, The University of Reading)

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