Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmer's Market October 1st 9-3 SHARPSBURG

I hope not either! I made a soap today with peanut oil and peanut butter! I'm going to try to keep it separate from my other soaps so that no one ends up having a reaction from soap touching soap. We don't need any lawsuits now!
For the BYC tent. I have a bunch of bottles of water. I also bought 4 types of cookies and put them in individual baggies. I make some Chex type mix and put that into individual baggies as well plus some pepermints. I have baskets to put the things in, napkins, a bottle of hand sanitizer and some mums to decorate a table. I am so excited!!

Erin - Do you have a table we can use for the BYC area??

Wishing you the best weather, large crowds, good sales & loads of fun tomorrow. I wish so much that I could be there with you. Have a great time & let me know all the details when the dust settles
awe.. Lynne
me too. but, Sunny San Diego is always somewhere I wanted to visit.. u may have to make room at the Hacienda one day

I do have a couple of tables, a church pew and one of those old fashioned glider benches to sit on. We're gonna do it up
And, we're gonna need it cause it looks like cruddy weather
I will have me and the boys all bundled up.. loving fall but, wish we didn't get jipped out of the last few weeks of summer
My husband and I will be going over to Erin's this evening to set up our canopy. Since I am not selling anything this time the canopy is available to anyone who needs to use it. I will put my name on it "BOYER" so first come first serve. Virginia
Erin - If I could use one of the tables for the BYC area - I have a card table type of thing but it was a cheap one and a bit warped in the center - sort of like me - warped that is, not cheap!! haha!!
These little ones hatched Weds afternoon. They are in the nursery eating, drinking, pooping and peeping. I love the peeping

There are 4 Splash Silkies, 3 with large vaults and 1 with a small vault. All have great toe spacing and feathering.
Also 1 LF WCB Polish. Her top hat hasn't fully fluffed but it will and she looks to be a pretty bird.

I would love to arrange a pre-sale since I'm worried about them getting cold. I plan on bringing some hand warmers for the buyer to use while they are at the swap. I figure that they will be okay inside a vehicle with the warmers, but I don't want them outside too long. If nobody "dibs" them, I might leave them at home since the weather is going to be cooler.

I either need the polish to go with the silkies, all 5 for $30.00 or
I can sell 3 silkies @7.00 each and
the other silkie and only polsih for $12.00 for pair.

Send PM if interested.


Erin - If I could use one of the tables for the BYC area - I have a card table type of thing but it was a cheap one and a bit warped in the center - sort of like me - warped that is, not cheap!! haha!!

The couple of tables ARE for the BYC area
no worries we got it. I have tons of outdoor furniture and stuff around.. it'll be nice

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